
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. I'm gonna fill up the whole page by myself
  2. Lalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  3. 
  4. Demented heart
  5. When am I gonna get to the end of the pahe?
  6. Yay!!!! 
  7. That's a lot of bumps one more wont hurt BUMP
  8. Update the story!
  9. I WON. <33 20 votes from 32 people. Thank you my beautiful readers for supporting me. <33 YOU are the reason for my sm:)e <33


    Maybe. Yes, no, maybe? Call me maybe?

    There are a lot of MAYBES. I hate it. It's confusing, complicated, misleading. A simple maybe explodes another set of questions, which only Irritates me more.

    So now I was stuck with a butt load of maybes.

    Does Liam like me? Maybe. Was the kiss a mistake? Maybe. Do I still love Jayden? May. Be.


    "Meet at the mall? We can get frappes." I could hear the excitement seeping through Jayden's voice.

    I bit down on my lip, "Uh...um..."

    "Aww, don't tell me you can't! This is the third time you bailed on me." the excitement had turned to sadness.

    I fingered with the dull gray blanket of my bed, feeling a a pang of immense guilt. He was right. It was the third time. I looked out the rusty window the stood a few feet from me. I hadn't been out for two days.

    Making a quick decision, I sighed, "Okay, okay, you win. I'll see you in ten."

    "Yes!" he said triumphantly, before clicking off.

    I stood up grudgingly, forcing my legs to walk the short distance to my so-called closet. It actually was just a hallow wooden box where I'm supposed to dump my clothes. I bent down and shuffled through it, all my sense of fashion draining into nothingness.

    I pulled out a gray sweater that had little mothballs attached to it and some threads sticking out at all directions. I dusted off the mothballs and smoothened the strings out before slipping into the sweater. I then kicked off my shorts and shimmied into some pants that were old and tattered.

    Grabbing my cellphone, I walked into the hallway, stopping at the mirror since my "room" didn't have one.

    The sweater looked three sizes too big and the jeans looked inside out, but I didn't care. I ran my fingers through my greasy auburn hair in desperate attempt to Smolensk it out, to no avail. Giving up, I pounded down the stairs and into the light.

    Ten minutes later, I spots Jayden as I entered the mall, and I gulped. He looked decent. Good, even. He was wearing a V-neck shirt that showed off his muscles, and jeans that hung loosely and comfortably on his hips. His hair had the whole not-trying-to-hard-but-still-manage-to-look-sexy thing going on.

    I walled over to him and he spotted me, grinning.

    "Hi." I said, staring down at my battered up slippers which I had forgetten to change out off.

    "Hey. You look great." he smiled.

    "Stop lying." I rolled my eyes. Me, looking great? Overstatement.

    "Wanna head to Smoothie and Cream?" he asked, and I nodded. We started walking, and he secretly -not really- put his arm around me.

    Girls were gaping. How did a hot guy end up with a garbage like me?
    Guys were gaping. What dare did he have to do to go on a date with me?

    I shielded away from the stares, and clung to Jayden's body. After what seemed like endless pairs of eyes striving to catch a glimpse of the mis-matched couple, we finally arrived at SandC.

    Jayden, being the gentleman that he was, pulled out a chair for me, and I sat down awkwardly. I told him my order and watched him walk over to the counter and take his place in the long line.


    I pulled out my phone. One new text message. Anonymous.

    Look behind you.

    I reluctantly turned around, afraid of what I would see. And I was right to be afraid.

    "Hey *****." Jasmine said sweetly, waving three fingers at me from two tables behind me.

    My eyes widened, "H-Hi Jasmine."

    I watched as she slowly got out of her seat to walk over to my table and take Jayden's seat.

    "So I heard you're one of the Delton applicants." she hissed.

    "Y-Yeah," I said. Darnit Natasha! Can you sound ANY more stupid?

    "Just to let you know, there is no freaking way you are going to get in," she said casually, sipping her Smoothie straw delicately.

    Gather up some courage Natasha.

    "A-Actually," I started, my voice cracking a bit, and Jasmine smirked. That smirk was enough to heal my voice and allow me to continue.

    "I am going to get in." I said confidently.

    " Actually, you aren't. Because I'm prettier. I'm smarter. I have a better record. I have lots of guys up my sleeve," she slammed down her hands unto the table, and it shook, but she wasn't finished, "And YOU? You are a worthless piece of-"


    I looked up, praising my savior. The guy stood over our table, holding my drink and his.

    Instantly, Jasmine's mood changed into a chirpier, nicer one, "Jayden! Hiiiii!"

    "Uh-hey, Jas." he looked around, "Do you wanna join us?" he gestured to him and I.

    What?! No! I tried to beg Jayden to take back his words through eye contact, but he was too busy staring at Jasmine.

    She smiled coyly, "Don't mind if I do."


    THERE YA GO. 
  10. A little short but I like it. When is "I Think I Love You" is going to be updated?
  11. Yay
    Finally 
  12. *smoothened

    And a bunch of other mistakes. I'm sleepy okay?! 
  13. update!!!!! 

  14. That daughter of a bitch-
  15. Bump!!!!!!!!!! I luv this!!!
  16. Seriously? How didn't he hear that?