
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. It's called copy and paste roze 
  2. THIS. This is why I love you so much. <33 Gahh...give me five or ten minutes to finish my update. :3
  3. Um well ill spam so it won't be on this page so people don't haft to scroll through that 
  4. A butterfly woooooooooo
  5. I went to the best icecream place in the world last night!!!!!!!
  6. Rawr! I'm a Pegasus/Unicorn! But I'm rainbow but I have shexier hair. And I fly even faster that Rainbowdash. And I have eyes like rarity. But I'm tall and slender like princess cadence.  i wont go on with the descriptioning
  7. Oh Kira. I love you. 


    Summer camp. Ahh. Was it the rustling of leaves, or the splashing of water against the moss-covered rocks that made it so...so fresh? It was the time where youngsters would be away from their parents, where they were to explore the world and meet new people.

    I wish we could go back to those times. When arguments happened because someone ate the last cookie, and the only punishment would be to stand in the corner.

    The time when no one questioned anyone, when laughs were what you could only hear. We were naïve, carefree, happy-go-lucky, joyous, in other words, we were kids.

    When did everything start becoming so complicated?


    Desiree went home early for she had had a dentist appointment. So I was left in study hall, finishing up reports and papers.

    It was nearly 6 when I finally leaned back and sighed, before packing up. I carefully laid my reports in my purple folder, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and scooping tons of books into my arms.

    My sneakers squeaked as I walked towards the exit in the nearly empty hallways.

    I was about to open the doors when a voice rang out.

    "Natasha!" it was a high-pitched voice, one that had such ring to it that it could only belong to one person.

    "Mrs. Potter!" I exclaimed, and I rushed to her, smiling at her tall frame.

    "Hello Natasha," she offered me a sweet smile, and I glowed. Mrs. Potter was my favorite teacher of all time. She taught arts, and I love arts, so if you add two and two together, it makes sense.

    "About your Delton application...."she drawled, producing a long brown envelope from her briefcase and handing it to me.

    I stared at it for a few moments, my eyes wide. This was it. My Delton application. I could feel myself craving for it. I wanted to get in so bad. To be away from Tiara. And Delton was my ticket out.

    "T-T-Thanks," I muttered, taking it with shaking hands. As I turned to leave, Mrs. Potter called out to me.

    "Natasha honey...I have to tell you something," she said, and I turned to her again.

    "Delton will only accept two students, and there are three, including you, vying for that spot." she peered at me through her crescent-moon spectacles, and I gulped.

    "Hmm, let's see...the other two are Alana Jones..." she examined her clipboard.

    "And Jasmine Toh."


    I stared at colors, the swirls seemed like they were moving, mesmerizing me. I gulped, my heart pounding in my ears. How was I going to stand against Jasmine? We're talking about Miss oh-I-won-so-many-awards. I'm just Miss my-parents-were-in-an-accident. Delton would take one look at Jasmine and chose her, spot on.

    Shaking my head, I stood up from my bed, my throat suddenly parched. I made my way downstairs, noticing that the house was unusually quiet. Shrugging it off, I got myself a glass, chugging it down heartily.

    Through the corner of my eye, something black flashed, and I spun around. There, on the marble kitchen counter, was a leather wallet.

    I almost choked on the liquid. I knew this wallet. It was a wallet I had opened before.

    It was Liam's.

    Sucking in a quick breath and laying my glass down, I slowly walked over to the counter and peered at the object.

    It looked the same, with the familiar silver lining at the side and the itching sensation to open it.

    My hands involuntarily reached forward...to grab it...maybe to see what secrets I could uncover....maybe another girl....maybe.....?

    "What are you doing?"

    I jumped, startled. I slipped, my balance feigning, before a par of strong arms reached out and grabbed me. Yelping, I found myself being steadied by Liam's grip.

    "Easy there," he smiled a bit, and my eyes cast downward to my bare feet.

    "What were you doing?" he said casually, walking over to open the refrigerator and to peer inside.

    Nice view from here.

    What?! Dang it, Natasha, focus!!

    "Uh-I wanted to return your wallet," I said the first lie that popped in my head, and I smiled, pleased.

    He straightened his back and came back to me, obscuring, unfortunately, my view of his behind. He held a pack of orange juice in one hand, and he took a straw and punched it in.

    "Orange juice?" I couldn't help but comment.

    "Why?" he said, his lips still enclosed around the plastic straw, "It's good."

    "It's nothing," I laughed, watching as he sucked the juice out of the tetra pack. I giggled again, and he sent me a look.

    "It's not that funny," he muttered, but I saw the corners of his mouth turn upward.

    "I haven't drunken from a tetra pack in a long time," I laughed into my hand.

    He smiled, and held the juice box out to me. Without thinking, I reached out and grabbed it, taking a quick gulp. The liquid had already passed my lips when I realized what I was doing. Too bad for me, it had also reached the entrance of my throat when I started freaking out. I choked, making this ugly wheezing noise, and I did my best to hold the juice in.

    Liam was instantly beside me, patting my back as I coughed.

    "Esophagus..." I managed to spit out in between yacks.

    It was his turn to chuckle, "You are so cute, Natasha, you don't even know it,"

    My coughing ended there. I looked at him, into his deep blue eyes, as it dawned to him also what he just said. I could feel the butterflies fluttering as the silence stood on a thin line between us.

    "I-I-" I stuttered, wanting to break the awkwardness. It didn't work.

    "Sshh." he whispered.

    Then he was coming closer. Closer than a normal person would dare. And I realized I was moving closer too. His lips touched mine and I know this may sound cheesy, but at once, the butterflies disappeared and was replace by fireworks. As I closed my eyes, I saw lights, like Broadway. I raised my arms and wrapped them around his neck, and his hands rested on my waist. The firework spectacle continued, and I didn't care that I had just choke or that his orange juice was making a small puddle on the counter, all I cared about was LIAM.

    We pulled away to take a breath, and I saw the magic in his eyes too. We stood there, gazing at each other.

    He smiled "You are so wonderful, Jas-Natasha."

    At once, the atmosphere shifted. I pulled away, and he jerked back after realizing his mistake. I stared at him in disbelief, while cursing myself at the same time. I had a boyfriend, HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND.

    The pretty perfect popular girlfriend.

    Of course when we would kiss he'd think of her.

    "I'm s-sorry," he said, backing away.

    Tears stung in my eyes as I watch him grip the door frame.

    "I-I-I have to go," he finally said, turning and dashing out of the hall. I heard the front door slam as I stared after him, the tears fully coming now.

    And so I was left there with my dashed dreams and an orange jive puddle to accompany me.


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    Meh wonderful beautiful readers! Thank you. Seriously. You are amazing. I hope you know that. Thank you everyone who wished me luck! Speech went great, elections are tomorrow! AHH. I'm SOO scared. 
  8. Liam is crusing for a brusing. *pulls out her weapon toybox, digging through it* LOVE YA ANDI 
  10. BUMP!
    Andi it's genius as always 
  11. awwww.... bump! 

  12. I want orange juice now :/
  13. Rainbow bump!! Amazing as always!!! I love this story!!! Bump bump bump bump RAINBOWZ
  14. You made me want orange juice, a blondie and a hug :/
  15. Lol and the funny thing was, I was drinking orange juice when I read it and I choked too, by laughing. What a coincidence. BUMPERZ CARTZ!!!