
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Ouch. I had to do the same thing too.
  2. Back from the dentist. It. Was. Hell. Anyway, updating now!
  3. 

    That Friday night, it was crazy how utterly unproductive and horrible it went.

    Jayden and I arrived at the restaurant earlier, with me cursing myself for agreeing into this. The Sunday dress I was wearing felt itchy and uncomfortable, while Jayden's blue polo so did not match with the purple of my outfit.

    I clutched his arm tightly as we made our way into the restaurant. Jayden, being a gentleman and all, even pulled out a chair for me, and my shaky self sat down.

    He took a seat beside me and took my hand in his.

    "It'll be fine," I could hear the cheerfulness in his voice. I bet he loved the fact that Liam had a new girl and that there would be no more competition.

    "Besides, it's better this way. So you can see how happy he is," The excitement was seeping in his voice so much I was surprised he didn't break into a tap dance that moment.

    "And it won't be awkward anymore-" Jayden got cut off.

    "Hey guys!" we both looked up to see Jasmine, looking gorgeous and all, with Liam at her side.

    At least HER black dress looked well with Liam's black suit.

    "H-Hey," I stood up, stumbled a bit, and nodded at her. Jayden stood up too (minus the stumbling) and shook Liam and Jasmine's hands.

    Was it just me or did Jasmine's handshake last longer?

    Once we were all seated, menus were taken out and orders were being made. I got the fish, Jayden got chicken, Liam got steak, and Jasmine got salad. Woohoo. Salad.

    "So...how long have you guys been together?" Jasmine asked, taking a sip of water.

    "Two weeks," Jayden answered for me, "How about you guys?"

    "A month next week," Jasmine squealed, clutching Liam's hand and looking like a five-year-old on field trip day to the zoo.

    Jayden oohed and aahed as Jasmine went on to describe what they were planning and blah. Blah. Blah.

    "E-Excuse me," I said, "Bathroom,"

    I stood up and scampered away, h
  4. It cut me off!


    I scampered away, humiliated and frustrated. Tears stung in my eyes as I threw open the door to the restroom.

    I stood there for a few moments, just watching myself for a moments, when the door flew open again.

    "Hey *****,"

    I turned to expect Tiara, but was faced with someone else entirely.


  5. 
  6. Jasmine probably gonna beat her up.bump
  7. Hmmm where's my glock -looking in my toybox-
  8. 

  9. [​IMG]

    -grabs my glock- lock and load
  10. You guys just made my day. 

    Sorry, I wanted to make it longer but with my surgery stuff, it really hurts so I just did this update really fast.
  11. update!!!! 

    ii hope u feel better Andi 

  12. Update 

    I hope you feel better Andi~~ 
  13. Update! Get better soon!
  14. I just caught up with the story and I love it! Amazing Andi! And I hope you feel better!
  15. Sistah -_- do not be apologizing for having surgery so you couldnt write more
  16. It's okay Andi~~ I updated a character list for you~~ and I'm going to let you write for Echo Saluna's interview 
  17. I hope ŸØÜ feel better  and I'm loving your story!!!! Bump!! Update soon please
  18. Will update today! You guys are the B-E-S-T. 
  19. 

    "I love hearing lies when I know the truth,"


    I HATE putting up with lies when the truth, so obvious, was just RIGHT THERE, yet everyone was oblivious.

    Like Men in Black. Monsters around, yet NO ONE knows, because of that memory eraser Agent J brings around.

    Maybe I was a slip in the crowd of captivated beings. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew there was something wrong.

    Something wrong with Jasmine.

    Nice, smart, pretty?

    Please, that's waaay too stereotypical.

    It wasn't until she approached me in the furnished restroom that I finally broke through the shield, sensing what had seemed odd about this package.

    Cross out nice.

    "Hey *****."

    My jaw was hanging open when I came face to face to Jasmine. I blinked a few times, trying to catch my breath, "E-Excuse me?"

    I watched in awe as Jasmine made her way around me, lifting herself effortlessly unto the counter, crossing her legs before turning to look at me.

    "Take a picture Hun, it'll last longer," oldest comeback in the book, but I didn't even have time to react.

    "You heard me right, *****. I don't like you. At all." she hissed in my face.

    I shook my head, trying to clear this up, "B-But you're so..."

    "Nice?" she snorted, "Ever heard of ACTING?"

    "Do you even love Liam?" I blurted out.

    She giggled, a high-pitched, girly giggle, "Love. Such a final word, don'tcha think?"

    She paused for a few moments, "I don't love him, silly! I like him," she glared at me, "Especially when I can see how nauseated and jealous you are when we go all lovey-dovey."

    I had to get one question that was flooding my mind answered, "Why? What did I ever do to you?"

    She screeched her nose, "You are so stupid. You didn't do anything to me, silly."

    "Then why?" I asked again, exasperated.

    "Oh, you'll find out." she shrugged, "Eventually."

    Then she hopped off the counter and pushed out into the restaurant, where lovestruck Liam and smitten Jayden sat there, ready to praise her, and she, enjoying every moment of it, soaking up the compliments and torturing me.


    Dear Mom,

    Guess what? My life, if possible, just became worse.

    Liam's 'girlfriend' (notice quotation marks there) hates me, Liam is oblivious to it, Jayden seems to be head over heels for this 'girlfriend', (probably forgetting that he has one) and the whole school saw me get slapped by Tiara.

    Heck, it has 10,000 hits on YouTube. I'm not kidding.

    Ten freakin' thousand.

    What would you do?

    That's what I keep asking myself, What would mom do?

    You're so full of surprises, I have no idea what you would do.

    Maybe make me move schools, or move states, or you would easily bake me cookies.

    You're unpredictable.

    Well, one good thing did come out from this. I've got a-- wait for it -- a friend.

    Yes, A FRIEND.

    Desiree actually can relate to me with the whole Tiara thing. We're both losers so that's okay.

    Mom, I'm helpless. Hopeless. Any less you can think of.

    I need you. I miss you. I love you.


    "So this girl, she's totally not nice?" Desiree asked in study period the Monday after that.

    "Nope," I shook my head.

    "Damn. That sucks like hell," she leaned back in her chair in disgust, "What did you say her name was again?"

    "Jasmine Toh." Ugh, I felt my tongue burn just saying her name.

    "WHAT?!" Desiree screamed, and the I, along with the table next to us, jumped in fright.

    "Shhh!" the librarian hissed and Desiree turned beet red.

    "Jasmine Toh?" she whispered fiercely.

    "Yeah...why?" I was starting to get suspicious and freaked out.

    Desiree sucked in a long, scared breath...,

    "Because she went to the same summer camp Tiara and I attended."


    Tiffy, I made you character evil. Sorry! 