
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Amazinggg bump!
  2. Bump!!! I have missed so much!!!!
  3. BUMP! I have read this all within 2 hours! Pleasepleasepleaseplease update
  4. You guys are all the best. Like, legit best.


    The chiming sound of utensils hitting each other and the shuffling uncomfortably in the hard wooden seats was all that was heard around the table.

    I picked at my green peas. Ew. I hate peas. Sighing, I pushed them at the corner of my plate and resumed picking at the small grains of rice. I looked up coincidentally, and saw Liam across me, looking at me with a somewhat bemused expression on his face.

    I didn't know what to make of it, so I turned beet red and looked down, my face burning red.

    "Ahem." there was a sharp clearing of the throat, and my attention was diverted to Mr. Samuels, who wasn't looking at me, but at Jasmine, who was seated beside me, but at the head of the table.

    "So Liam tells me that you go to school somewhere in the next state," Mr. Samuels looked at Jasmine intently. Normally, I would've been pooping in my pants if he ever looked at me liked that, but Jasmine looked calm and not the least bothered by the pressure.

    "I actually just finished my junior year in New York," she smiled a bit, and I scowled to myself. New York. Great. She continued, "But I'm transferring here with my brother for senior year." she said it all in a breath, as if she had recited this countless times before.

    "Interesting..." Mr. Samuels mused, "So where do you plan to go to college?"

    College? Even I didn't know what I wanted to do. Let alone where I wanted to go.

    Jasmine grinned broadly, "I'm heading back to New York. I'm Going to be going to the New York Academy of Arts; they already offered me a two-year scholarship."

    I sunk lower in my seat, while the rest of the table murmured in approval.

    "Jasmine will be majoring in arts and design," Liam said proudly, placing his hand over Jasmine's. I scowled at their intertwined hands.

    Mrs. Samuels spoke up, "Liam says that you won some kind of award...?"

    Liam answered for her, "Yep. First place of the Artnik Award."

    The whole table erupted into chatter amongst themselves. Scott gave a whistle, Tiara started asking Jasmine questions, and Mr. And Mrs. Samuels whispered and nodded to each other.

    I, on the other hand, sulked, lowering my gaze, tears brimming along the corners of my eyes. Artnik award? My number one dream was to win that.

    I sat there, mortified, listening to Liam list of the awards and prizes Jasmine had won, and for the rest of the night, no one paid any attention to me.


    Scrub, rinse, wipe. Scrub, rinse, wipe. My strokes became harder, faster, as I washed the dishes, muttering incoherent phrases under my breath the whole time.

    After dinner, I offered to clean up, maybe to gain some respect and attention from them, but noo. They were just TOO busy with Jasmine.


    I looked up, startled, almost dropping a plate. Blue eyes met mine and blond hair encircled my vision.

    "H-Hey." I said steadily, turning back to the plate I was washing, very much aware of Liam's presence beside me.

    "So how do you find Jasmine?" I could here the smile in his tone. I wanted to slap that smile off his face.

    "She's okay." I murmured.

    "Okay?! She's amazing!" he sighed wistfully, and I slammed a plate a little too harshly.

    "Well you said she was nothing to you. You said that it was a drunken mistake. You said-"

    "I said that she was my girlfriend." Liam cut in, his tone serious, "I know I said I had...feelings for you...but how do you think I would feel when you completely abandon me for Jayden?"

    My mouth opened to protest, but he cut in again, not allowing me to continue, "Did you expect to WAIT for you? And now, you're mad at me for being happy? Newsflash, Tasha. I found someone else. Someone smarter, prettier, more successful than you will ever be-"

    "Liam." I whispered, tears falling now, hitting the whiteness of the plate I had stopped scrubbing.

    He froze, realizing what he had just said. His eyes widened, and he gave a gasp.

    "I'm going up," I said quietly, keeping my head low, his words feeling like steel knives cutting at me.

    "I-I'm sorry." he grabbed my arm as I turned to leave, "A-Are you crying? Ple-Please don't cry, Tasha. I'm s-so sorry." he spun me around but I still kept my head bent.

    "Please," he whispered, "Give her a chance."

    "Okay," I didn't mean it though. I just wanted to get out of the room.

    "Go on a double date with me. Me and Jazz, you and Jayden. As a truce?" he made me look at me, and I saw that smile that I loved that I had to agree to his proposition. It was a date.

    What a hell of a date that was.


    Not sure if it's good. 

  5. Not that good. -.-


    *expect me to

  7. Poor Tasha. He probably meant. That's my thought lol bump
  8. Liam needs to be kicked off a waterfall by a unicorn.
  9. Lol Dash 

    Jasmine <3

    Sorry, but she's my character  and I named her after my pretty-much-perfect friend 
  10. @Rainbow: lol. Then be slapped by mermaid tails. *stares daggers at Liam*. He's a BUTTFACE! And I thought he was cute to. Bump!
  11. That was so mean. But it was a great update as always:) my tiger approves
  12. update!!!!!!! 

  13. screw corrections smections lol brilliant BUMPDATE
  14. Tash needs to kick butts, take names, and give those names to other people whose butts she kicks
  15. Bump!!! Update soon
  16. @Blood_Roze

    I totally liked Liam's character at first, but now... 
  17. Anyway, Jasmine FTW!! Get jerk-face Liam away from Natasha 
  18. I will update later today or tomorrow. -.- I'm getting my molars taken out and I am scared as hell. -.- Keep bumping!