
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. yay i was mentioned 
  2. I wanna insert one of Clove's knives into Jayden's dumb ass. ._.
  3. Ty for mentioning my name first :3
  4. Bumping this so it'll be in the first page :3 will update when I get back from bringing my dog to the vet. XD
  5. BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read them all from the start and I'm addicted!!!!!!!  post some more soon or I'll be 
  6. OHMYGOODNESS sorry! I've been so aggravated with everything happening on FF now! Updating now!


    I felt myself involuntarily gasp. And I don't know what bizarre universe my head was in, but I kissed him back.

    It was the kind of kiss girls dreamed of. The one that happens in the pouring rain, or under the grassy shade of a big oak tree. In the middle of a huge mansion didn't fall into the category, but at that moment, I didn't care. All that mattered was Jayden and I.

    The kiss wasn't the make-out kind; it was soft and sweet. It didn't last long either, and I wasn't sure who pulled away first, all that I was aware of was that we were both grinning at each other with big, toothy, lovestruck grins.

    "Hey, guys I've got some water." Desiree entered, but we were still in our own little trance. She glanced between us, a puzzled expression on her face, "Uh..guys?"

    Jayden looked at her, flashing her that adorable smile, and shook his head slightly, "Nah. I was just leaving."

    Desiree must've known something had occurred because she just smiled her knowing smile and gave a quick, "Sure, I'll meet you upstairs Tash," and she was gone.

    Jayden slowly opened the door, stepping outside and bringing me with him.

    "Wait," I said, "You're going to go home, in the rain?" my eyes widened at the thought.

    He smiled at me, "It's okay, I'll run. My house is a few blocks from here."


    But he was off. He crossed the lawn fast and turned to give me one last wave.

    When he turned, I saw something in his eyes. I don't know what it was, but I liked it. It was comforting.

    It was only then that I noticed that he had stopped running. Instead, he started walking towards me. Taking swift steps, he gave me little time to react.

    "Jayden, what are you do-"

    He interrupted me again, but this time I didn't mind. His lips reached mine like how they kiss in The Notebook.

    After a few seconds, he pulled away, breathing heavily and lightly touching his forehead with mine.

    "Don't girls like it when they have goodnight kisses?" he breathed.

    "Yeah," was all I could say.

    He gave me one last peck on the cheek before running out. I leaned on a pillar, watching as he disappeared.

    I practically swooned on my way up the stairs, smiling the whole way. Jayden was just so perfect. My mind was cloudy and hazed as I slowly entered Desiree's room.

    I shut the door silently and leaned back on the wooden door frame. I took a few wistful breaths before I noticed Desiree squatting in the middle of her comforter. She looked at me with a stern glare, "Ahem."

    I giggled at her expression and danced to her, plopping down beside her, my hair spilling across the sheets.

    "Why didn't you tell me about Jayden? I thought he was Liam! Epic fail number one!" she groaned and fell back beside me, both of us watching the small glow-in-the-dark stars dancing on her ceiling.

    "You, missy, owe me an explanation," she grunted.

    I smiled, and explain was what I did.


    Monday rolled in, and before I knew it, I was heaving my bags to the back of Desiree's car.

    "So I'll drop you and your bags off after school?" she inspected her nails, blowing at them slightly.

    "Yep," I finished with the last bag, and I climbed in the convertible beside her. After giving a million thanks to her parents, we were on the road, cruising by aristrocats' houses and parks full with laughing children.

    The car ride passed quickly, and my heart only started pounding when Desiree back-upped into a parking space.

    It was time. End of freedom. I had to face it. Tiara. Frankie. Miranda. Liam.

    I gulped, and my legs felt like jelly as I made my way into the school. Desiree squeezed my arm comfortingly, but her fingers had no effect on my nervousness.

    And just as I expected it, the moment I entered, all voices ceased, and everyone's eyes turned to me.

    Whispers came in all directions, bouncing of the walls despite the students attempts of hiding their hushed voices behind the palm of their hands.

    "...I heard her hands got stuck in her hair cause of some flesh-eating fungus..."
    ".....I heard she got sent to a mental facility over the weekend...."
    ".....they said she totally freaked out of Tiara..."
    "....NO WAY. Nobody freaks out of Tiara!..."
    "....Apparently, she does...."

    I took another intake of air, and Desiree gave me yet another squeeze. I couldn't let them affect me. With all my might, I held my head high and headed for History.

    Lunch was everyone's dreaded period. Well, if you're a loser like me, you'd dread it. That's why I wasn't too keen on entering the cafeteria that day, especially after everything that had happened.

    Not needing to be discreet, Tiara and her drones surrounded our table the moment our trays hit the hard plastic.

    "Hey, Natasha!" she said all sickly sweet.

    I nodded at her, and started picking at my food.

    I noticed Desiree had frozen over and I was terrified that she would have another meltdown so I carefully nudged her under the table and she snapped up, meeting Tiara's eyes squarely.

    "Desiree." Tiara's voice had turned somewhat cold, "How nice to see you again,"

    "Tiara." was all Desiree gave her in response.

    "Well," Tiara said, her tone finally having traces of her old self, "I can see the both of you are too self-absorbed to give me the time of day-"

    "Excuse me?" Desiree cut in, "Us? Self-absorbed? Please. Speak for yourself,"

    Tiara looked taken back for a second, but was back the next, "Really, now? And you two discussed this during your sleepover?" she smirked, mocking us silently.

    "While you were busy discussing about who to ***** around with, maybe." I looked around for the brave speaker, and was surprised to find out that I was the speaker.

    "Like how you stole Jayden?" she said innocently.

    "Jayden likes me, not a low-class *****," I said firmly, and was immediately aware that the caf had gone silent and everyone was staring. Great.

    "If you weren't fooling around with him in LIVE CAMERA, then maybe he would be with me!" she half-yelled.

    "Well maybe if you hadn't SAID HE WAS YOUR BOYFRIEND, everything would be okay!" I half-screamed back.

    Having had enough, Tiara leaned forward and slapped me-yes, slapped me-square on the face. I, and the entire school, gasped. And by the time I turned back around, Tiara was gone.


    I had had a even more depressing day after that, if that was possible. I had failed a Biology test, got held up in Math, not to mention the fact that everyone was pointing and staring at the huge hand mark Tiara had imprinted there.

    Desiree dropped me home close to six already. I had gotten held up, like I said, in Math, and I had to go to work. Yes, work. I had applied at this local library arranging books and today was my first day.

    Worst. First. Day. Ever.

    I mean, it could have been relatively okay, but considering the fact that I was already in a bad mood, paper-cuts and dusty century-old books weren't much help.

    So I entered the house for the first time in two days, clutching my green backpack loosely in my hands.

    The first thing I heard when I entered the house were noises of laughter and chatter.

    I froze dead on my tracks. Was there supposed to be a party? How could I have not known?

    You were gone for two days, idiot. Of course you wouldn't have known.

    But I was hardly presentable! With my hair oily and matted, my shoes clogged with dirt, I wouldn't be surprised if they all jumped at the sight of me, probably thinking the Loch Ness monster was in their house.

    I slowly made my way to the dining room, wincing at each squeak my rubber shoes made.

    I peered from the doorway, and saw the Samuels'. Mr. and Mrs. Samuels were present, as well as Tiara and Liam and Scott.

    But there was this girl with long shiny raven hair, trailing down the edge of her chair.

    Tiara spotted me and I ducked behind the wall, but it was too late. She shouted, "Yoohoo! NA-tasha!"

    Then all of them turned to me, and I finally got a full look at the girl.


    She was even more stunning in person. She had fair white skin, a petite nose, and dark chocolate eyes that stared at you with eagerness.

    Liam cleared his throat and my gaze travelled to him. He didn't mind the bit about my appearance, he was too busy staring at the mystery girl. Then he opened his mouth to speak.

    "Natasha. This is Jasmine. Jasmine Toh. Remember her? She's my girlfriend."



    Do YOU remember Jasmine?

    Comment! Give critique! Feedback!
  8. fantabrilliant. 
  9. bump!!!!! 


    ㄴㅇㄴ,9rㅌ@t upd@tㅌ! 
  11. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!I just read the whole story!! IT WAS FRIGGIN' AWESOME!!! That is coming from the bottom of my .I stayed up for 2 hours just to read this and broke down when wifi crashed. In the words of me: UPDATE!
  12. It's really good no complaints