
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Yay! An update!

  2. Bump and I like the story. You've managed to keep it interesting and good grammar and all that.
  3. Thanks ThisIsJoycee! Guys, I really appreciate it if you would comment and give your feedback, please. Thanks!
  4. Bump!!!!!
  5. I would like to know more about Desiree and her past, I like how you added a character Tht could be Natasha's friend.
  6. I'm losing readers! 
  7. No your not! People are just busy or are too lazy to bump! I barely had time to come on forums today
  8. Yeah, there's just too much homework nowadays :( but I'm still here!
  9. This Natasha chick should just move in with her other godparents in Alaska
  10. 

    Stains. Ugly, blotchy, dirty-looking stains. EW, right? Don't you hate it? You get a brand new shirt- maybe from H
  11. It cut off!  I use the "and" sign accidentally! 


    Stains. Ugly, blotchy, dirty-looking stains. EW, right? Don't you hate it? You get a brand new shirt- maybe from Aeropostale -then boom, a twist of fate, an accident, right in the middle. So fugly.

    Wash, put soap, rinse, repeat. Again and again. Was, soap, rinse, repeat. Hoping it will look like it's brand-new. Sparking clean. But there's always that mark. Many won't notice it until you point it out. But you're aware of it; trying to smile but in your head, "DOES SHE SEE THE STAIN? WHAT ABOUT HIM?"

    Well betrayals, insults, traumas, you name it, they're all stains. You can seem confident when you wear that shirt, but you're uncomfortable. You can seem confident, but once someone points out that stain, you're embarrassed.


    "I-I can't do i-it," Desiree sobbed into my shoulder, and I awkwardly patted her again. She had been going like this for about an hour now, and all my soothing and comforting words had been used up.

    "Cookies?" a shaky voice asked, and I watched as Mrs. Templeton settled the glass tray on Desiree's side table. She watched her daughter wearily, but there was nothing any of us could do.

    Desiree choked out a quick, "Thanks Mom," and Mrs. Templeton shot me an apologetic look before exiting the room.

    I had to hand it to her; she was a really good mom. As I came staggering into her house, with Desiree hysterical in tow, she was actually able not to have a heart attack or something. I mean, my hand was still glued to my hair and the glue had dried over. The wind from the walk to her house was ruthless, and Desiree's unclear directions weren't much help either. But Mrs. Templeton just calmly introduced herself, told Desiree to go to her room, and led me to the powder room, helping me wash the nail polish and glue off, even offering to paint my nails again. (I said no; I was embarrassed enough already.) During the period that we were alone, I quickly filled her in on the situation.

    It turns out they had just moved here a few weeks ago. When Desiree was twelve, she attended a summer camp, in which Tiara had attended too. I remember her bragging that she beat everyone in all the competitions, even the counselors. I didn't believe her, obviously. Well it turns out Tiara won almost all the competitions, but Desiree beat her out in one. Horseback riding. And Tiara LOVES horseback riding. So she was really pissed and ended up making Desiree's life hell for the remainder of the camp.

    After I had enough information, Mrs. Templeton sent me up to maybe talk some sense into Tiara. And now here we were.

    Mission failed. Abort. Abort.

    The aroma of the chocolate chip cookies filled my nose, and I felt a pang of sadness. My mom and I used to make cookies. And cupcakes too. Then we'd force my dad and Scott to pretend they were in tea party. Thinking about it now, I thought I was going burst out into tears, even worse than what Desiree was undergoing now.

    Desiree suddenly pulled back and took a deep breath, shivering a little. She pulled her neon hair behind her shoulders and looked at me with her tear-filled eyes.

    "I'm sorry that you must see me like this," she whispered.

    I glanced at my tear-stained blouse, shrugged and turned back to Desiree, "No problem. Tiara can be a real ****."

    Desiree rolled her eyes, "Tell me about it,"

    A silence fell upon us and I thought she would ask me to leave, but she did the complete opposite.

    "Listen..can you stay over? I heard that you're living with Tiara...and I think it may be a tad bit awkward if you go back there after what happened. Maybe..until Monday?," she said quickly, peeking at me.

    Of course, I agreed. I'd agree to ANYTHING to get away from Tiara. Mrs. Templeton helped us set two comforters on the floor, and I called Scott to inform him that I would be gone until school ( and if he could send me some clothes, ) though I could help but feel a little twinge when I heard Liam ask in the background, "Is that you're sister?"

    But I guess after that I was okay. Desiree and I stayed up late watching The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising and then Race to Witch Mountain after that. We were halfway through City of Ember when Desiree had a meltdown again. So we shut it off and she talked until 1AM about how much she hated Tiara and that she would get revenge and all while I lay there and nodded and "Hmmhmm"Ed at the right parts. It was comforting in a way, it's been a long time ever since I had a friend to gossip and talk to.

    Sunday rolled in pretty quickly. The Templeton's took me to church and we had lunch after. I honestly don't know how the three of them, Desiree and her mom and dad, are SO NICE. Must be a genes thing.

    We wanted to have this picnic thing, but it rained that afternoon. Droplet after droplet, it didn't look like it would end.

    It didn't end. The rain poured and poured endlessly. The wind howled and hit against the window, shuddering the structure. The Templeton's had retired to their bedroom early; about 8PM. I heard Mr. Templeton's snore when I passed their bedroom to get some toothpaste from Desiree's room.

    It was about nine PM and I was waiting for Desiree to change into her pajamas. I rubbed my own pj's comfortably. This would be my last night of...well, freedom.

    I shuddered at the thought of seeing Tiara. It's no doubt that my little glue incident had spread like wildfire around the school. Everybody would be watching, staring, laughing, ridiculing.

    I shook the thoughts out of my head. I shouldn't let it get to me.

     Ding Dong 

    I know. It's the most stereotypical doorbell ever .

    "Natasha! Can you get that please?" I heard Desiree holler from the bathroom. I scampered up, grabbing a cotton robe to wrap myself in since I knew the air would be freezing.

    Who would be up and about at this weather? Hel-lo? Didn't they watch the news? It's called signal number three!

    I muttered little incoherent protests all the way to the door. The Templeton's had a pretty decent house, big enough that I heard my own footsteps echo throughout the walls as I made my way to the big brass doors.

    And guess who the rebel was?

    A very soaked Jayden.

  12. I placed the movies, The Seeker and Race to Witch Mountain over there because of Alexander Ludwig.

  13. Put the Hunger Games too.

    Alexander Ludwig as Cato FTW >:D
  14. Oh dear :3 I like Liam better :3