
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. 

    The smell of acetone and the hiss of machines filled the room as I entered it.

    I cannot believe I agreed to this.

    I am the stupidest, most naïve girl in the world.

    Tiara tugged on my arm as she led me to a private section of the shop.

    "We are going to have so much fun!" she giggled, and I stared at her like she was a hobo.

    "Sure we are," I muttered.

    "Miss?" a petite lady appeared at our side, "You're appointment is ready,"

    Tiara jumped up and down, excited, and my brow furrowed. She was seriously high.

    A manicurista sat on a low stool, and I awkwardly shuffled into the leather seat, and Tiara did the same.

    " Hola, señorita, what colour would you like, eh? We have berde, pua, puti.. " as the manicurista pointed to the green, red, and white variety of colors, I bit my lip. The manicurista looked at me, ready to give more options in her thick accent.

    "Uh.." I trailed off.

    "We'll both have baby blue," Tiara chirped for me.

    The manicurista nodded, and got to work.

    "So," I said, quietly.

    "Look Natasha. I am truly sorry for everything," Tiara said.

    "I...I forgive you."

    WHAT. Where did that come from? I didn't really forgive her, but what else could I say? "Move back to the island where all ***es are perfect, *****."? I don't think so.

    She looked at me suspicious, "Y-You do?"

    "Yes." I did?!

    "Oh," she leaned back in her chair, "That complicates things."


    "Um.." she avoided my eyes, grabbing her phone.

    " Oi, señorita! You're nails are still wet! " the manicurista yelped.

    Tiara ignored her, shooting up from her chair, and running out from the store.

    I frantically grabbed my things.

    "Miss! Miss!" the manicurista called after me as I chased Tiara.

    I rebounded to a corner, where I heard her fiercely whispering into her phone.

    "Frankie...did you.."
    "No..! She's sincere..!"
    "How do you expect me to act like nothing's happening..??"

    I was confused. What was Tiara talking about?

    I nervously tugged on my hair, a habit that never seemed to escape me.

    Then my fingers got stuck.

    And it dawned to me.

    ***** didn't.


    So I wanted to let the manicurista's lines be all fancy and italic. Sue me.

    Credits to the idea of the update: Joyce1234.

    What do you think Natasha realized? What is Tiara up to? Flesh-eating fungus???????

  2. Bump!! 
  3. BUUMMPP
  4. Bump!! I wanna know what she is up to!
  5. Bump ! 
    Just read all of it in like an hour and it's so good 
  6. bump!!! 

  7. Y U NO UPDATE? That's it! I'm coming over to your house and Imma force u to update

    Oh, and hi Andi
  8. Why isn't there a bump yet 
  9. BUUUMMPP
  10. Sorrrrryyyyyy!


    Are you happy now, that she's on the ground? And do you know the words you say make bruises that don't fade away. Are you happy now? That you brought her down, And she's thinking that she won't fit in because you said that something's wrong with her, are you happy now?

    ***** didn't.

    That was my last thought before Tiara came rounding around the corner where I was hiding.

    "Natasha! What's wrong with you ha....ir," her eyes widened as she saw what was going on.

    "Why don't you tell me?" I shot at her, my hand still entangled in my hair.

    "I-I-I didn't want this to h-happen," she stuttered, still staring at me.

    "Sure you didn't!" I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I tugged my arm again. A few strands of hair came off and I winced in pain.



    The click-clacking of high-heels echoed throughout the mall, and in a few moments, Miranda and Frankie bounded around the corner.

    "Where's Natash-oh." Frankie's eyebrows shot up, and her mouth twisted into a smirk, "How was your mani-pedi, Tash?" she asked sweetly.

    I gritted my teeth, "Shut up Frankie,"

    Miranda giggled, "Oohh! Feisty!"

    I shot a look at Tiara, my eyes pleading. She seemed so genuine, so sincere, so..so nice. But she was looking down at her stilettos, not saying anything, allowing her so-called 'friend's to continue their torment.

    "What color did you get? Baby blue?" Frankie and Miranda into giggles.

    "Girls," Tiara's voice rang over their giggles, and my heart soared. She'd tell them to stop. To shut up. She'd tell them that I'm actually very nice.

    "Let's go," she finished, and my heart dropped to my feet.

    I watched them skip away, leaving me with glue in my hair and my hand stuck in it.

    The tears finally exposed themselves, spilling all over my face, it trailed down my neck, and seeped into my clothes. Before I knew it, I was full out sobbing. I steadied myself into a nearby bench with my good hand, the one which hadn't been manicured yet.

    I actually thought Tiara was nice. Good. Friend. What was I thinking? WHAT. WAS. I. THINKING. They're just using me, like they always do. I'm just a joke to them. A freaking joke.

    "Excuse me?"

    I looked up. There was a girl. Bright clothes, neon even. Bright hair, was that..green? Neon green?


    "Are you okay, girl?" she said.

    I nodded, "Y-Yeah."

    The girl rolled her eyes, "Don't give me that piece of poop. You're not okay. And what's wrong with your hair? Do you have lice or something?" she barged on a hundred questions a minute.

    I raised my eyebrows, and my guard rose. Did Tiara ask her to make fun of me more? Why'd she ask an overly-bubbly girl? Tiara wouldn't come five feet near clothes as bright as that.

    "I-I'm fine." I said again.

    She pulled my hand, the one stuck in my hair and froze, "I-Is that g-glue?" she whispered.

    I nodded, noticing the change in her mood.

    "Tiara," she whispered again.

    "Um, what?" I said, confused now.

    "I'm Desiree, and I know Tiara. She's a *****." she said, her active personality back again, but dark this time.

    "I'm N-Natasha," I said. She knew Tiara?

    "I'm sick of this female dog. Where is she?" Desiree looked around with a fierce and determined look on her face.

    "Uh..she went that way.." I used my good hand to point into the direction.

    "The smoothie shop. Typical," she murmured.

    Desiree grabbed my hand and pulled me to the smoothie shop.

    "Wh-what are y-ou doing...?" I stammered.

    She turned to face me, "I'm going to bring Tiara down once and for all."

    Tiara, Frankie and Miranda were sitting in a small glass round table, sipping on some shakes, giggling over something.

    Desiree's grip tightened and her brow furrowed.

    "Tiara!" she barked, her voice full of hurt and hatred.

    Tiara turned, and it was like the light had suddenly been turned to us, blinding our eyes. Tiara's hair was tousled, in a nice way, and her eyes sparkled. The blue iris' widened when she saw us, "Desiree?"

    I thought Desiree would slap her, or scream. She didn't do either.


    She ran away.


    Dayuuuummm, I'm tired.

    If you're reading I Think I Love You then you probably know that I won't be here for two weeks.

    I'm not sure if I will be able to get WiFi, but if I will, I will promise to update as much as possible.

    Anyway, I would appreciate it if you would give me some feedback, and comments on how I can improve.

    Desiree is MiniStrawberry! 

  11. bump!!!!!!!!!!'   it