
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. I . NEED . TO . BYPASS . LIKE . RIGHT . NOW


  2. Agh it cut me off! Poor LAIM IMA KILL THAT STUPID LADEH
  3. BUMP!! 
  4. Three pages of bumps? You guyss.. 


    Everybody makes mistakes. And no, I am not about to break out into some handy-dandy Hannah Montana song, but it's true. Everybody does make mistakes. The only thing we can do is learn from those mistakes.


    "That's great!"

    "Enlighten me. How is that 'great'?"

    Jayden's tone changed into somewhat confused, "You don't think dating me is great?"

    "That's not it...it's just...ah..." ****, I just placed myself in a tough spot.

    That's what you get, Natasha the little voice in my head whispered. The first thing that you do when you're dismissed is to run up and call Jayden. Then you just HAD to tell him everything, didn't you?

    Damnitt...i hate it when that voice is right.

    "You still there?" Jayden inquired.

    "Y-Yeah. It's just..I don't think it's great that I'm practically on the Samuels' blacklist, or that I'm living in the same house with Liam." I said in a rush.

    He fell silent for a moment, "Well, I think that the only good thing in this situation is the fact that I am actually able to call you mine."

    Butterflies erupted for a while, and I blushed hard, "Really?" I cleared my throat, trying to sound nonchalant.

    "Really." I heard his smile through the phone, and I couldn't help but smile myself.

    We ***** about Tiara for a few more minutes until he had to go. After we hung up, I lay back on my bed, feeling a mix of frustration and guilt.

    Maybe I shouldn't have fed the news about Jayden and Tiara to the press. Maybe I shouldn't have got out of the house.
    Maybe I shouldn't have stolen Liam's wallet.
    Maybe I shouldn't have started the food fight.
    Maybe I shouldn't have left the house for that party that fateful night.

    As I was going through the series of guilt parties, my mind started to shut down. And before I knew it, I was asleep.


    "Ugh..." my hand involuntarily moved to the alarm clock, and I shut the alarm clock. Ahh..peace and qui-


    My body shot up, I was awake now.


    I checked the alarm clock, 8:00. ****.

    I was into the shower in one. Out in another. The third minute was spent of putting on random clothes on. Next was me running a quick brush across my hair. Lastly, I grabbed my bag and barged down the stairs, shoving a piece of toast in my mouth.

    Whew. I stood at the portch watching Tiara's car on the road. I walked up to it.

    "Wake up late, hun?" Tiara raised her eyebrow. Beside her, Frankie and Miranda giggled.

    I ignored her and got in the car, grumbling the whole way.

    Tiara revved up the engine, "You better not try anything, Natasha."

    I flashed my eyes into her hers and nodded, then I turned back to the window.

    The girls chattered about make-up and such and just as I thought I was going to die from brain overload of how many kinds of lipgloss there were, we reached the school.

    I was the first one out.

    I walked up the steps, trugging my bag along. I flung open the doors and the noise instantly stoppped. I ignored this, and walked along the hallway. Everybody was staring. And I mean everybody . Weird.


    I was Fumbling with my locker when two random girls came up to me.

    "So is it true?" the redhead asked.

    I had never met this girl in my life so I stared at her, "What is?"

    "You know..." the second girl said, "That you totally kissed Jayden when he was Tiara. Then now you're with him cause you bribed him to be with you cause you..um...couldn't you know, get your own boyfriend." she giggled at the end.

    My eyebrows met in the middle, "WHAT?!"

    The redhead smirked, "Knew it. Let's go, Ashley." the two trotted away, leaving me staring at their backs.

    Tiara said that?
    No. Freaking. Way.
    It was the other way around!
    Sort of.

    I finally got ahold of my locker and was able to open it to see why it was stuck in the first place.

    Loads of small folded pieces of paper burst out, and some fell to the floor. Everyone spun around. Great, another reason for them to judge me.

    I picked up one paper. Then another. Then another. Then another

    Boyfriend stealer.

    They all repeadtly said nasty remarks and I shut my eyes.

    "ARGH!" I screamed and everyone backed off, jumping back.

    I slammed mt locker door shut and made my way to my next class in anger.

    As I passed one guy, I saw him hold his phone and whisper, "This is so going on YouTube."


    Phew, I'm tired.
  5. FIRST!! AND BUMP
  6. Bump Andi!!!
  7. Okay, so, a few of you may know this, a few may not. But just to inform you, I got the award for Best FanFic author in the Oreo awards (You can find it somewhere in Off Topic) (I got really cool wall art) Just wanna give a big THANKS to every. Single. One. Of. You. You have really motitvated me continue writing. I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOOOOO MUCH!

    I love you like I love Alexander Ludwig and that's saying A LOT.

    So yeah,  
  8. bump!!!!!! 

  9. BUUUMMP!! 
  10. Bump!!! And
  11. BUMP AND CONGRATZ! You totally earned it! 