
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  2. bump!!!!!! 

  3. 

    I watched in shocked as Jayden nuttered those words.

    I'm Natasha's boyfriend...I'm Natasha's boyfriend...I'm Natasha's boyfriend...

    The screen instanly went black and spun around in time to see Liam gripping the remote tightly, glaring at where Jayden's face once had been.

    "Liam-" I started but he cut me off, "Let's go up, shall we?" he looked at me with a hard stare as if he was trying to act like nothing happened but I knew otherwise.

    But I couldn't just simply act like nothing happened! Jayden just twisted everything!

    "Liam, I have to go see-" I made my way to the door when he grabbed my elbow. I turned around to face him and saw him looking at me with those baby blue eyes.

    "Natasha..don't...please?" his voice barely above a whisper.

    But I knew what I had to do. I slowly wrenched myself away from his grasp, "I'm sorry Liam. But i have to get to the bottom of this."

    I thrusted the door ope ln and walked out. I turned back one last time to see Liam standing there, hurt and betrayed.

    Outside, reporters were shoving questions in Jayden and Tiara's face. I heard questions like, "What about Liam?" and "Tiara, did you lie?" I pushed past them, barely, and grabbed Jayden's hand. Pulling him away from the crowd, he stared at me with a bewildered expression on his face.

    "It's Natasha! It's Natasha!" I heard the reporters say, and I glanced at them, ready to tell them to Back off but they knew better to keep their distance.

    A light caught my eye in the background, and something dawned to me. Liam was watching this going on right now. I gulped, took a deep breath, and turned to Jayden.

    "Well?" I cocked one eyebrow upward.
    "Well what?" he sent me a smirk.
    "You just-just calle yourself in national television my boyfriend!" I furiously whispered.
    His eyebrows met in the middle, "But I thought we were something!"
    "Yeah me too. Before you total shoved your tongue down Tiara's throat!" my voice may have beentoo loud because there came a collective gasp from the reporters. Oh ****.

    "That was a mistake..I'm sorry, will you forgive me?" he looked at me with those pleading eyes.

    I ignored his question, "And have you forgotten about Liam?" I lowered my voice a bit this time.

    "What about him?" I'm starting to get sick with this oh-I'm-so-oblivious act.

    "I care for him too you know." I said silently.

    "Oh." he looked down at his Converse, and an awkward silence lingered it the air, "Well I'm sorry you feel that way, Natasha, but I can't help it.."

    He leaned in, and before I could stop him he kissed me. And then the lights started flashing again.

    "Excuse me! Get off my property!"



    I hope this is better than my other update. 
  4. *muttered
    *been too

    Dang mistakes.
  5. bump!!!!!!!!!! 

  6. OMG I can't believe it! BUMP! BUMP! BUMP!!!!!! P.S. I love it! P.S.S. u r so very talented at writing, you make me look like a beginner but idc I love it that much!!!!
  7. BUMP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. bump!!!
  9. Oh mah agod
    Shit just got real.
  11. 

    "Do you even know," Mr. Samuels said angrily, "What kind of damaged you have caused?"

    I gulped, keeping my head low. Jayden had left, but my I'm sure the Samuels got an eyefull of my so-called boyfriend and I sharing a 'moment'.

    "First, you get Tiara and yourself into trouble." Mrs. Samuels raised her pinkie finged to symbolize 'one'.

    I didn't bother to correct her that it was Tiara'd fault.

    "Second, you almost get both of you murdered by a serial killer." ring finger went up.

    Now, excuse me, do you think it's my fault that a lunatic guy came after us? 'Cause I SO wanted him to kill us. Note sarcasm there.

    "Thirdly, you pretend that my son is your boyfriend?" Mrs. Samuels scoffed, and her middle finger joined the duo.

    I stole a glance at Liam, and saw him looking at me too. There was a mix of anger, and of..of sadness.

    "Fourthly, you make my daughter look like a **** by practically yelling to the press that she was a *****." pointing finger was raised.

    I glanced at Tiara, she looked hurt by her mother's choice of words, but kind of glad that I was getting punished.

    "Fifthly, just to, I don't know, drive the point home, you make-out with him in middle of my Backyard!" her voice rose, and the thumb wasn't even raised. Instead, all fingers clenched into a fist.

    "What do you even have to say for yourself?" Mr. Samuels said disgusted.

    "I-I'm s-s-sorry." there was nothing else to say.

    He gave a tight laugh, "Well to prove that you're actually sorry , you will not have anything to do with my son." he shot a look at Liam.

    "Liam, Tiara, go to your rooms. Natasha and we have some..ah..things to discuss." Mrs. Samuels probably finally noticed that her children were there.

    They boarded up the steps, and Mr. Samuels spoke when the doors were shut.

    "What we are going to do," he started, "Is pretend that Jayden and Tiara never had something. You are going to tell the press that you were lying and that you were just to stressed. In reality, Jayden is your boyfriend, okay? And what you said about Tiara was a big fat lie that you just wanted to say because you were jealous of her. Is that understood?"

    Oh sure, make me look like the bad guy.

    "Is. That. Understood?" Mr. Samuels repeated more firmly this time.

    "Yes." I murmured and both parents sighed in relief.

    "Now go to your room." he muttered.

    As I climbed up the steps, my mind was only starting to comprehend what was going on.

    How would I be able to live in the same house with Liam when I..I was dating Jayden?


    The parents are mean. >.<