
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Bumpz! Amazing Update!!!
  2. bump!!!!!! 

  3. 

    I wobbled a bit as I stepped out of the car. Clutching my bag, I made a slow progress of going up the Samuels' lawn, one step at a time.

    Suddenly, a mob of lights attcked me.

    "Natasha! Did Lawrence Simones say anything to you?"
    "Tasha! What were you doing in school?"
    "Natasha! What is your official statement on this?"
    "Natasha! Natasha!"

    I shielded my eyes from the light and moved my face from the multiple microphones being thrusted into me.

    "Everybody, please, give the girl some space." a voice instructed over all the reporters.

    Everyone, including me, looked to the direction of the voice. Liam grinned at me.

    My knees felt wobbly, "H-Hey L-Liam."

    For once it was like we were the only two there; no one else mattered.

    But the spell was soon broken, as the reporters got their senses back and started tackling Liam.

    "Liam! Where were you when this happened?"
    "Liam! Where are Tiara's parents?"
    "Liam! Are you Natasha's boyfriend?"

    The last question made him blush furiously, and he opened his mouth to answer when a loud, "Yoohoo!" rang across everybody's ears.

    At once all the papparazzi envaded Tiara, who greeted them with open arms and lavish smiles.

    Discreetly, Liam and I entered the house. I could hear the TV on in the living room, which meant tje Samuels were home.

    "...yes, the police are coming.."
    "...stupid reporters can't mind their own business..."
    "...yes, I know it's their job...oh shut up..."

    I crept closer to the room, where Mr. Samuels was on the phone. He acknowledged my presence with I guess was supposed to be wave, but I was too preoccupied with what was playing on TV.


    We are now here, live, in the Samuels home as we watch the two lucky girls who survived Lawrence Simones wrath as they finally return home

    Tiara! What really happened?

    Oh, we were doing some extra credit, you know cause we're such good students, and then we like, hear a gunshot, then both of us like hide under a table. Then he's about to kill me, when my boyfriend comes to the rescue! He's like my knight in shining arm-"

    Excuse me. I am not her boyfriend.

    What's his name? Check the documents!

    It's Jayden.

    JAYDEN! JAYDEN! JAYDEN! What do you mean you aren't her boyfriend?

    Ye-eah, Jayden. Sorry folks, but he's just kidding. We are together-"


    I'm Natasha's boyfriend



    Ohmygoodness I hope my BB codes are not an epic fail. And I hope you understand who's talking. I'm scared like hell right now. Hope it works!

    Hope y'all like it! 
  4. Ew. I fail. I don't like it. :((
  5. Thanks you guys... =_= but I'm still hating it... =_=
  6. Andi if you keep saying that I'll get pedobear >:3
  7. HAHAHAHHA OMG "Im NOT her boyfriend, Natasha is." 

    BUMP BTW!!
  8. Wait that sounds kinda wrong..

    I meant "I'm NOT her boyfriend, I'm Natasha's boyfriend"

    Bahhhh it sounds weird