
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. ..any bumps...?
  2. BUMP!! 
  3. update before I die!!
  4. Bump!!!! Now! Or face my pretty tiger
    GRRR!!! XD
  5. bump!!!!! 


  7. Ohh Emm Gee !!! BUMP 
  8. I just read all of this...mind***ed...all I got to say .-. ...I like Liam better .
  9. Re-BUMP

    Story nominated 
  10. Liam.

    Definitely Liam.

    Jayden's a LIAR!! 
  11. 

    "Hey Tash, I think I left my walle....." Liam's voice trailed off, and he stood there, gaping.

    Jayden immediately jumped back, blushing furiously.

    Liam raised one eyebrow, "Uh, hey man." he and Jayden did the fist bump that most guys did, then Liam turned to me.

    "Um..hey...Liam..." I said, nervously.

    "Did you find my wallet..?" his gaze dropped to my hand, which was clutching his wallet. Then it travelled to the slip of paper that was on my lap, "Oh."

    "Here." I thrusted the wallet in his direction, but he ignored it. Instead, he marched up to me and grabbed the piece of paper, "Did you-Did you call these numbers?"

    I nodded slowly.

    "Oh, ****." he swore under his breath, "Jayden..? Can you excuse us for a minute..?"

    I saw Jayden send me a look, and he walked out of the room.

    "Natasha. Did you speak with Jasmine?" Liam asked through gritted teeth.

    I should've admitted my mistakes, maybe even apologize for basically invading his privacy. But I felt stronger; tougher.

    "Oh, is she your girlfriend?" I blurted out.

    His eyes whipped to mine, "That doesn't matter. Did you call her?"

    I shut my eyes for a second, "Maybe."

    He swore again, and began pacing the room.

    "B-But who cares if I called her? I mean, she is your girlfriend. It doesn't matter, right?" I was blabbering now, words just kept popping out.

    "Listen to me, Natasha." Liam interrupted my rant suddenly, "Jasmine is...ah...a friend."

    "Oh, really now?" I glared at him.

    He ran his fingers across the back of his neck, his brow furrowed, as if playing with his words in his head.

    "I was drunk one day, and we met. Maybe I flirted with her, but in the morning, I found her number in my wallet. So I called her. She gives me this huge tale on how I asked her to be my girlfriend, and everything. Of course, I had no memory of that night, so I played along with it."

    "Uh-huh." there was doubt in my tone. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something wasn't right.

    "But..Natasha...the one I truly love is..you." Liam hung his head. As cheesy as that may have sounded, my heart started beating rapidly. Then I stopped myself. Wasn't I just kissing Jayden a few moments ago?

    "Liam. Please. Can you..get out? I need some time to think."

    This obviously wasn't the response he expected, because his face fell. He looked at me, confused, "Uh..sure.." then he walked out, schratching his head the whole way.

    Once he was gone, I let out a sigh of relief. This was too much. My head was spinning from all the drama.

    I shut my eyes, I was suddenly so tired. I loved both of them dearly. But there was just so much unanswered questions that I couldn't possibly pick one.

    Why was Jayden kissing Tiara in the first place? Who really is Jasmine? Why wasn't Liam's story of her so unbelievable? And..why do I have a feeling that Tiara is invovled in all of this?
