
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Oh.  Haha, or did he?...hmmm....?
  2.  Bad Andi you don't liez to meh!
  3. 

    Paper. Trust is like paper. Once it's crumpled, you can never smooth it out perfectly again.

    In a flash, I was ran back to my room and dove under the covers. My heart was pounding from the adrenaline; my head hurt from confusion.

    Stupid...the two guys I thought would always be there for me just totally abandoned me.

    Jayden..again, stupid...he's my protecotr for heaven's sakes, not my boyfriend!

    Liam...I'm practically living with him! If we ever got together, Mrs. Samuels probably would've kicked me out of her house!

    I was shaking as I processed these thoughts, my hands gripping Liam's wallet tightly.


    I still had his wallet. It couldn't hurt to peek a bit, right? I opened it a peek, and the fresh scent of money lingered in the air. His students permit was there, him smiling adorably at the camera.

    When I pulled the permit out, a scrap of paper fell out, and took it, curious.

    There, in messy handwriting, was a number. Two, actually.

    I reached for my beside table for my phone and took it out, hurruedly punching the first number in.

    The phone rang three times before someone picked up.

    "Hello?" a deep voice said.

    ****! I gasped silently, a million things streaming through my head.

    "Who's that, baby?" someone said in the background, and my heart caught in my throat.

    I instanly pressed the End button. Once the line was dead, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

    Jayden and Tiara.

    Riight. They were still in their own lil' make out session. I shook my head, and glanced down at the next number. A little bit afraid now, I dialed the number.

    Ring, Ring, Ring

    "Hello?" a high, feminine voice said.

    "Um.." I hadn't exactly planed what to say when I got to this part.

    "Do you perhaps know Liam? Liam Samuels?" I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.

    The girl cleared her throat and I heard her voice go up an octave, "Why, yes. Is this his sister?"

    Well, we lived together. And he considered me his sister, so heck Maybe.


    "Oh! I'm Jasmine. Jasmine Toh. I met Liam a few days ago! He's totally awesome." she giggled.

    Wait...was she his girlfriend?


    Tiffy! I finally included your character!
  4. *protector
    *I took it
  5. YAY!!

    My friend will kill me when I tell her lol 
  6. Wait? I'm confused, who was on the other line of the first phone call?
  7. Taylor: it will kind of explain in the next update. The girl seemed to know Liam and seemed to like him. 
  8. Omg, i'm totally in love with this story. Buuuump!
  9. 

    "...he's totally adorbs. Seriously. He has the ka-yoot-est smile and like, I feel like I know him..i can like you know, connect...."

    Goodness. Shut. Up.

    "Uh-huhh." I bit my lip, bored out of my mind. Jasmine's blabbering was geting a teensy bit annoying.


    I glanced up to the door in relief, thankful that someone could save me from this agony. My eyes widened and my heart dropped when I saw who it was.

    "Natasha..? Can I speak with you?" Jayden said, walking over to me.

    Jasmine's voice rang out in my ear, "Is there someone there? You need to go? That's cool. Like, it was great talking to you." Excu-use me. You did most of the talking.

    "Uh-yeah..bye." I clicked my phone off and shoved it under my pillow. Then I turned to Jayden, "Hey. What's up?" I said, trying acting cool like I didn't just call him then hung up.

    "...did you call me...?" he said, raising his phone in the air.

    My eyebrows shot up and my heart started pounding, "..What? Nope. Sorry. Not me. Nada. Nuh-uh." I mentally face-palmed myself. Like Tiara would say, Obvious much?

    "Oh really?" Jayden leaned forward, till he was just inches away, "Then why does my history say that your number called me and hunged up?"

    "I-I.." I stammered. My head was dizzy from all this...closeness.

    "I knew it." with that, Jayden leaned in and kissed me. Right there and then. On the lips. The lingering scent of his perfume stuck to mine, and I kissed him back.

    We broke away, and just stared at each other.

    "What about Tiara?" I blurted out.

    Jayden straightened his back, and scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Oh..um..that was..."

    I hoisted myself up on my elbows and met his gaze, "It was nothing?"

    "Look Natasha, I don't like Tiara." he started but I cut him off again.

    "So you just felt like playing with her tongue or something?" I shot.

    "No, it was accident."

    "Ha!" I gave a sharp bark, "Accidents don't last that long."

    He chewed on his lower lips before turning back to me, a familiar glint back in his eyes, "Well, will this make you believe me?"

    Then he leaned in and kissed me again...

    And then Liam walked in.
