
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Whoa! Bump! Wall me when u update!
  2. BUMP 

    I'm team  I like both 
  3. *

    Team Jayden!
    Team Liam!



    (yes I know he's not in the story lol)
  4. 

    Despite the fact that I had almost been murdered, I smiled.

    "J-Jayden. H-Hi." I grinned weakly, my heart was pounding.

    "Natasha, are you okay?" he knelt down, pulling me out from under the table and into his arms.

    "I'm tired." I spoke the truth.

    I heard the smile in his voice, "Then sleep, beautiful."

    My last thought as I drifted to sleep was: He called me beautiful


    Notorious serial killer Lawrence Simones is now back in jail. Reports say that he broke into a high school, killing the security guard there and attempting to hurt two high schoolers. It is confirmed that these girls are fine, and are now being treated.

    Tears welled up in my eyes as I recalled the horrble incident. Stan had died...it's weird, thinking that you just saw the person just moments before his death.

    The TV switched off, not by me though, so I glanced up and saw Liam.

    "You shouldn't be watching those." he walked over and sat in the chair beside my bed.

    I shrugged.

    "I talked to the doctors. You can come back home today." he said matter-of-factly. The doctors had insisted that I stayed over night to make sure I was stable; no mental damage or anything like that.

    "How's Tiara?" I croaked. I don't really know if Tiara and I were actually friends after this incident. Probably not.

    "She's okay..." he trailed off.

    "What is it?" I pressed for more details.

    "Well, she's just shocked and all. And...my parents are planning to bring both of you into therapy, you know. For the trauma." he explained.

    I wrinked my nose. Therapy?

    "....they're just scared. They almost lost both of you. I almost lost both of my sisters." he met my eyes.

    The last word froze me. S-Sisters? I was about to ask him, I thought we were something, but decided against it.

    But I did think we were something.

    "Oh.." I said instead.

    "Ahem." we both looked up and saw a man in a white coat, "Visiting hours are over. Patients need to take lunch. Feel free to come back an hour from now."

    Liam nodded, then turned to me, "I'm gunna fix all the papers and everything, then I'll get you outta here." he gave me that lopsided grin that I loved so much.

    He stood up and exited, and a nurse came in placing a tray on my bedside table.

    Great...in the hospital twice in three weeks.

    "Miss? Do you own this?" she held up a black wallet.

    "Oh!" I grabbed the wallet. It was Liam's, "It's my friend's. Be right back." I jumped up from my bed and entered the hallway, but Liam was no where in sight.

    Hushed voices erupted at the corner of the other hallway, and I crept closer, curious.

    "Thanks for saving me." the first voice said.

    "Don't sweat it." the second voice replied, and it dawned to me: Tiara and Jayden!

    "It was so sweet how you came to my rescue...."

    I felt my insides boil. He was mine! My protector!

    "I think you deserve a reward..." she purred.

    I heard Jayden shake his, "Oh, nahh-"

    Tiara leaned in and kissed him; I gasped.

    He kissed her back too.


    PHEW. Hope y'all like it!
  5. Oh no! Jayden

    He is NOT tiaras
  6. Bump!!!!!!
  7.  ohhhhh no bump!!!!!

  8. Okay that's it now hating Jayden 
    And I really hope Liam doesn't think of Natasta as a sister 
  9. WHAT THE?!?


  10.  Be sure to check out me and TiffanyHwang7's collab story, Love Leukemia! We're entering it in iLoveBlizzy's contest, and I'd appreciate it if you bumped or something! Thank you guys! 
  12. Kira: Huhhh? 
  13. He kissed that fat cow back!!!