
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Hiii Jade!! Haha, sure.  Um, can you be Tiara's b**** friend? That's the character that I need right now. 
  2. Okay! But can I be Natasha's friend too? But secretly BWAHAHAAH I'll pm you
  3. Hmm, what about not really a friend but more of a popular girl but she doesn't hate Natasha but feels sorry for her. Teehee. 
  4. So, I got inspiration.

    I hope none of you get bored that I just keep updating about how crappy Natasha's life is. The interesting part comes later. 


    I remember what the principal said. I remember fainting. I remember waking up. I remember protesting that I studied so hard that I didn't need to cheat.

    I remember everything.

    I won't forget. And I don't need to worry, Tiara won't make me forget it too.


    So that's the update!

    Haha, I'm kidding. It's not over.


    Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

    Not me.

    I walk into the cafeteria and take a seat at the back. I'm only able to put my book bag on the seat beside me when three people occupied the seats in front of me.

    Did you really have to ask who it was?

    "Hey Tasha!" Miranda, Tiara's drone, said.

    I nodded at her. Miranda was unexplainable. You couldn't tell if she was on your side or not.

    "I need you to do something for me." Tiara cut to chase.

    I stared at her, searching for signs of misjudgement.

    "Friday, there's this party. It's huge. And, well, my parents are like, BFF's with your parents and so, my mom told me to bring you to the party while they go to a museum whatever."

    Yes, I know what you're thinking. My parents and Tiara's BFFs? Yeah, sad, true, story.

    "Um, what?" I said, muttering my first words to them.

    Tiara rolled her eyes, "I know, I know. I hate it too. I'll pick you up at 8. And please." she head-to-toed me, "Wear something decent."

    They left and I leaned back in my seat in exasperration. What had I got myself into?


    8:01. A car honked. That, for you, is Tiara Samuel's version of fashionably late.

    I checked myself one more time. Boots ready, white dress ironed. Make-up okay.

    I walked out of the door and skided into a stop.

    What was Liam doing in Tiara's car?

    I knew it. I knew it. She had to get everything, right? It was Tanner all over again.

    I gulped and climbed into the shot gun.

    Liam's face brightened up from the back when he saw me, "Hey, it's Modern Warfare girl!"

    Tiara rolled her, eyes, "Ew. You two know each other?"

    I shut my eyes, waiting for that comeback. The He's my boyfriend, *****. or the What were you doing with her? You're supposed to be with me!

    There was none.

    I heard Liam answer, "Sis, chill, I know her bro."

    Wait, what?! They're. Siblings. I am so happy now.

    This night just got a whole lot better. Liam would be there, and I'm with the most popular girl, even though she's a *****.

    I didn't know. I didn't realize. I never speculated.

    That was the night that changed my life forever.

  5. Omg!!
  6. aewwww..... bump!!!!!!!!!!! 

  7. BUMP!!
  8. I need someone to bump my story

    Srry for advertising

    I'll gtho
  9. Please read my story, Never Alone, it's for the Valentines Day Story Competition. Thanks!
  10. 

    Drunk. Getting drunk, I mean. What happens when you get drunk? You do things you wish you never did. Like ask your girlfriend if she was single. Or dunk your head into a toilet.

    So why do people get drunk? Is it the sweetness of the beer? Or is it because theyfelt like they needed to prive themselves? At times, it's the latter. At times, it the earlier.

    But what is it really?

    When you get drunk, you don't have any memory of what happened. The night was a blur.

    You get drunk because you want to be free. You don't want to think of your worries, of your responsibilities.

    And don't you worry, I didn't get drunk that night of the party.

    What happened to me was much, much worse.


    "Pass it around, pass it around!" a jock yelled, passing around red cups filled with a suspicious-smelling liquid.

    I grabbed one and stared at it. I glanced around, everyone was drinking it, laughing and taling. I cautiously took a sip. The liquid burned in my throat, but it tasted good. It was beer, obviously.

    The music was cranked to a high volume and everyone cheered.

    "Let's get this par-teh starteeeed!" the DJ screamed and started pumping some tunes.

    I wandered around, taking a few sips here and there, but careful not to get drunk.

    "Hey! Natasha!" Liam called. I turned, a smile spreading across my face.

    "Hi." I said silently.

    "Wanna dance?" he smiled at me.

    Dance? Me, dance? With him?

    "U-Uh, yeah! Sure!" he grabbed my arm and we started dancing, laughing and talking.

    The night was great. Until..

    "Natasha!!" I turned at the sound of my name; it was Miranda.

    I was still hyper from my dance with Liam, "Hey Miranda! Let's dance!" I was about to turn back to Liam but she grabbed my arm. She motioned Liam closer and..and..she told us.

    She told us the secret that tore me for the next few years.

  11. Secret haha bump !
  12. Omg bump!! 
  13. Justin: SURE ILL READ YOUR STORY. And yeah, it's fine. You don't have to gtfo. Haha. 