
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Gasp!


    I bet the serial killer killed the guard 
  3. bump!!!!!!!! 

  4. Sorry for the wait!


    "What. The. Faq. Was. That." I heard Tiara say breathlessly beside me, both of us frozen in fear.

    Normally I would have retorted back, but my own mind was trying to deciphere the question.

    "I-I..." my eyes widened as another gun shot rang through our ears.

    "Holey mother.." Tiara whispered.

    "Ohmygoodnessgracious, was that...?" I said, my voice barely audible.

    "A-A...gunshot?" Tiara finished for me. A point for Einstein.

    "What should we do??" Tiara's shrill voice cut through the silence, and both of us glanced at each other.

    "Run!" I half-screamed, half-yelled, and both of us took off running towards the door, practically ramming our bodies against the glass.

    "Damnitt!" I jingled the handle of the door furiously, but it wouldn't budge.

    "That nitwit must've locked it!" Tiara cursed under her breath. T'was ironic, concidering that that 'nitwit' was most likely severly injured or dead by now.

    The loud sound of lockers smashing together immediately ceased our futile efforts of getting the door to open.

    "He's coming closer." I stated the obvious, my voice catching at the back of my throat; I was paralyzed with fear.

    "S-Should we h-hide?" Tiara suggested.

    I would've said, "Duh." but instead I nodded furiously and took off running back to the book shelves. ****, all the tables were four legged, none had any place for hiding.

    "Over here!" I glanced up and saw Tiara gesturing wildly to the librarians desk. Maybe there was some knowledge in her Barbie head after all.

    I ran over to her, ducking under the librarain's table, which was unlike other tables in the library since it had a wooden covering in one side to support drawers.

    We both crouched low and swiftly ducked under the table, holding our breath.


    I heard the breaking of glass and I surprisingly reached out and clutched Tiara's hand tightly. She hung on to mine in the same manner.

    "Where are you girlies...?" a drunken voice said, and I heard the shoving of books aside and the scraping of tables.

    "Where would it be so easy to hide, huh..?" I heard a nasty grin in his smile, and I mentally gagged.

    "Librarians...I always liked them...with their nice, smooth tables..." a pair of sneakers hovered over the table and fear gripped my heart.

    "Gotcha." a face loomed over us, smiling widely, revealing a gold tooth.

    Instincetively, I opened my mouth to scream, but Tiara beat me to it.

    "Ahhhhhhhhh!!" she yelled, tears streaming down her face.

    The serial killer grimaced, "You're going out first, blondie." he sneered, and grabbed Tiara by the ear, ready to shoot her on the spot.

    I shut my eyes, and Mom, Dad, Scott, Liam, Jayden, they all flashed through my mind.


    I opened my eyes a peak and was surpised to find Tiara on the ground, with the attacker a few feet away from her, unconcious.

    Suddenly a sweet, soft voice injected my confusion,

    "Do I always have to save you?"


    Hope you like it! 

    I won't be on that much for the next few days cause I have finals, so sorry! Update immediately by Friday afternoon! 
  5. Bump!! 
  6.  bump!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jayden
  8. Team Jayden () or Team Liam () ? 
  9. Jayden he always comes to th rescue