
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1.  Bump!!
  3. 

    Somehow, Tiara found a way to move her 'mani-pedi' to today.

    It's pouring when I get out of school, and just my luck, I forgot to bring my jacket.

    "Toodles!" Tiara waved at her imagernary adoring fans, and entered her Porsche, Miranda and Frankie in tow.

    I curse her in my head. Thanks a lot , Tiara. Now I have to spend my afternoon's arranging books that have probably been there for a thousand years!

    I placed my binder over my head, holding it steady with one hand and my bookbag with the other.

    Rain, come and get me. \(=•.•=)/ (that's war paint )


    It got me. Hard.

    I was dripping wet when I entered the house. The TV was blasted at full speed; the Samuels were home.

    I carefully tip-toed across the floor, careful not to be noticed. I peeked at the doorframe and I saw Mrs. Samuels watching a the news that had headlines blaring Serial Killer Escaped!

    I made my way over to the stairs. I thought I did a pretty good job of being quiet until I heard Mrs. Samuels call my name.


    "Y-Yes?" I slowly turned around, lowering my head.

    I heard the volume lower until it was just a woman mouthing the words.

    "Natasha. I recieved a call from Mr. Tesseré." Mrs. Samuels pursed her lips disapprovingly.

    "A-hah. Uh, Mrs. Samuels, if you just let me explain-"

    "You are dripping sewer water all over my rug, I don't think there is time for any explaination!" Mrs. Samuels snapped.

    She took a long deep breath, "Natasha...please understand that we have rules concerning our family and we certainely do not tolerate any troublemakers! Is that understood?"

    I hung my head, ashamed, "Yes." I murmured.

    Mrs. Samuels let a sigh escape, "Good. Now go upstairs and get that horid stench off you!"


    Okay, it's short. Sorry. Teehee. Update soon!
  4. I made an update then it got lost!  update later instead! I have to study. 
  5. Dude I'd kick her *** if she did that to me! Tiara stop being a dîckbiscuit!
  6. Bump!

    Mrs Samuels,go drown. =_=