
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Your story is amazing Millie! It was featured on FFN!!!
  2. --Millie--? 
    And yay, thanks!
  3. Oh okay, I get it. 


    Awkward moments. Why do they call it that? Acoording to Webster dictionary, awkward means "causing embarrassment". And hell yeah I'm so embarrassed right now.

    "I should ask you the same question." Liam had said, standing up quickly and meeting Jayden face-to-face.

    Jayden smirked, "That, was my seat. And that, is my jacket. So I guess I got the girl first this time, eh?"

    Liam looked like he was about to burst, "I met her first, dumba*s."

    "Dude, I've been watching her longer."

    Liam shot him a look, "That's kinda creepy."

    Jayden shrugged the comment off, and passed Liam, bumping his shoulder intentionally, and talking his seat, laying the tray of food on the table in the process.

    "He-ey." Liam intervened, before my phone made a high-pitched dun-dun-dunnn sound, which meant only one particular person was calling.

    "Excuse me." I murmured, walking a few feet away from them before picking up.

    "Natasha! Dearest!
    "I know you're kind of uncomfortable with Liam and whats-his-name so-"
    "How did you know?"
    "I have my sources. Listen. Why don't you ditch them and come over to us? We're in the-"

    I cut her off, "No."

    I heard her take in a sharp breath, "What do you mean no?!" she spoke through gritted teeth.
    "i mean, I don't want to stay with you. Goodbye." I said bluntly.

    "You're going to regret that, Natasha." she hissed before hunging up.

    AT SCHOOL

    The cool metal touched my fingers as I laid my tray there, standing in the line.

    "What'll iiiitttt beeeeeeee?" the 50-something lunch lady said.

    "Uh.." I looked around, "Spaghetti." I shrugged, it was the only one left.

    She handed me a plate and I handed her the money.

    I glanced around. Where to sit, where to sit. There was a seat there, at an empty table.

    I know, why was there an empty table? Everyone takes all the tables! But I wasn't thinking about that.

    I made my way to the table when I saw a flash of skin, and I was thrusted forward, my spaghetti flying into the air. I regained my balance in time, but not quick enough to dodge the spaghetti that flew...and hit me square in thr face.

    I heard gasps on laughter as I looked to my tripper. Angry, and helpless, I grabbed a bunch of spaghetti and flew it at my attackers face.

    Tiara's eyes widened as she got him, her mouth forming an O. She hurled a plate full of salad and I dodged it, and it hit someone behind me. I grabbed more spaghetti and hurled it at Tiara once more, but she dodged and it hit Frankie instead.

    Soon, the whole cafeteria was in a full-fledged food fight. I had food thrown at me in different directions.

    A high-pitched sound rang noisily in the air, and all activity stopped at once.

    "Who started this?" the lunch officer ordered, whistle still in his mouth.

    "Natasha did!" Tiara's voice chirped, and I threw an apple core which had hit me earlier at her.

    "Ep ep epp!" he nlew his whistle once more, "Come with me young lady. You are in serious trouble."


  4. Haha this one was Funny!
  5. BUMP!! 
  6. OH NO SHE DID-N'T!


    Imma just BUMP!
  7. Sorry andi, I accidentally commented on wrong thread... 
  8. bump!!!!!! 

  9.  BUMP!! i so much hate Tiara lol
  10. 

    I once heard a quote.

    It's 6AM and you go back to sleep for five minutes, you wake up, it's 7:15. In school, you fall asleep for five minutes at 1:30, you wake up, it's 1:31.

    Funny, ironic, even, annoying how time can be.

    The quote had flashed through my head as I stared at the hands on Mr. Tesseré's clock.

    I had been dragged here by the lunch guard, and Mr. Tesseré gave me the usual **** about how I should not throw food at other people and blahblahblah.

    And then I expressed my side of the story. Of how Tiara had tripped me and blahblahblah.

    So now, Mr. Tesseré has gone off to get Tiara. Blahblahblah.

    I was still fuming when Mr. Tesseré returned with oh-so-inocent Tiara.


    "What did I-I-I doo-ooo?" Tiara whined and I shot her daggers.

    Mr. Tesseré went around his desk and sat down, drumming his fingers against the oak surface, "It seems that Natasha here said that you tripped her . Which resulted to the food fight."

    Tiara blinked and there was a moment of silence. She was still in shock that I had the courage to sell her out.

    "Is this true, Ms. Samuels?" he leaned forward.

    "I-uh-um-I.." I felt myself smirk. I have never ever seen Tiara stammer. Hey, first time for everything, eh?

    That was all Mr. Tesseré needed. He leaned back and collected two white folders. I saw in bold letters that the first one read, Tiara Samuels

    "As a punishment, both of you, tomorrow, after school will stay in the library, arranging books or helping out from 3:00 to 8:00.

    Both of us groaned.

    "B-But I have a mani-pedi scheduled that day!" Tiara squealed.

    "Shut up. It's your fault why we're here in the first place." I snapped.

    Tiara glared at me, "If you weren't such a *****, then maybe-"

    "Ladies!" Mr. Tesseré slammed the files on the desk and we both jumped, "Just..return to your classes."

    And that was that. I was going to be spending five hours with Tiara Samuels alone in the library. Insert shudder here.

  11. bump!!!!!! 