
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Update time!


    "Go away." I said at the knocker. I don't even know why I was being like this. Honestly, if you think about it, it's stupid. It's Tiara. Who cares if Tiara flirts with my prince charming? Heck, he's not even mine!

    "Natasha." he said, his voice deep and muffled, "I'm not going away."

    I pouted, "Then I'm not coming out." I said, equally as stubborn.

    I heard him sigh, "You leave me no choice."

    Then a few moments of silence. I raised my head from my arms and stared at the door. Maybe he had gone away.

    But, of course, he hadn't.

    The door opened and he stepped in. Yes, he stepped inside the CR. With me in it.

    I saw him wrinkle his nose, which was very adorable, I couldn't help but notice.

    He crouched on the floor, since I was hogging the closed toilet seat.

    "..Natasha.." he said softly.

    "How do you know my name?!" I said, alarmed.

    He bit his lip, "That's..complicated."

    "I can take complicated." Gosh, was the truth so hard to say?

    He sighed, "Fine. You asked for it."

    "My parents and your parents were family friends. But of course, you didn't know. They stopped communicating after we moved to Minnesota. I was about one then. Then you were born and well, I guess your parents didn't want to make my parents the godparents or something because they didn't end up as your godparents. It turned into this huge fight. And to resolve it, your parents promised mine that if something ever happened to them, my parents had to take care of you. But..not tell you. So we had to be watching in the sidelines, making sure you were okay. "

    I took a sharp breath, "Well, that wasn't so complicated, now was it?"

    He gave a slight laugh, "No, not really."

    "But...I don't even know your name!"

    "Call me Jayden." he smiled and I smiled back.

    "Well, I don't know with you but I kind of don't want to stay in a cubicle, so, shall we?" he held out his hand.

    I took his hand, "We shall."

    Did I mention that the janitor gave us really weird looks when we exited?

    Yeah, I didn't care.

  2.  Bump!! Awesome update. 
  3. Bump!!
    the Tiger approves lol

    FACT! 
  5. *BEEP!* WRONG ANSWER! YOU are the best author evahhh! 
  6. Nargs!!! New word I made up suck it
  7. BUT...BUT...BUT... you just are!! 

    And you won like the golden pen award thingy-ma-bob!

    So hah! 
  8. Ma-bob?  Aaand. Whaaaat? I didn't....you must've been thinking about yourself. 
  9. BUMP bumpy bumpity moarr pls
  10. So good! Bump! 

  12. bump!!!! 