
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. So my mind is totally blank blank blank. I. Don't. Know. What. Should. Happen. Next.


    Mrs. Samuels is the craziest person I have ever met in the seventeen years of my existance.


    I heard a slight ping! from the back of my jeans pocket. I took out my phone and saw that I had one new message.

    Ten seconds more and we're leaving you. -Tiara

    I swore under my breath, grabbing my purse of the dusty dresser, barging down the stairs hurriedly.

    I heard Mr. Samuels shout a "no stomping your feet down the stairs!!" but I ignored him.

    I flung the front door open and ran to Tiara's car, which was parked.

    I climbed in, out of breath, "Where *huff* ....is..... *puff* ....Tiara....?"

    Frankie smirked at Miranda, and both of them shared a look.

    "Probably still inside." Frankie answered, shrugging.

    I stared at her, "Then..who..sent..me..the..text?"

    She smirked at me, "Oops."

    I was fuming. Excuse me, I didn't even get to put on my watch!

    "You should know Tiara always ends her texts with an 'xx'. You know, kisses?" Miranda implied, checking her reflection from the side mirror.

    "Yeah, since you're her....'sister'" Frankie chriped, making air quotation marks.

    I just glared at her, turning away and looking out the window.

    "Hello, darlingsss! I'm here!" Tiara boarded into her car, revving up the engine at the same time.

    "Hey T!" Miranda air-kissed her, and Frankie wagged fingers with her.

    Seeing, my sulky expression, Tiara smirked at me, adjusting the rearview mirror so she could meet my eyes while driving, "S'okay hun, shopping will make it aaaaaall better."

    Shopping. That's right. Mrs. Samuels suggested me going shopping with Tiara. Shopping . I mean, are you freaking kidding me woman?

    The girls chatted along the way, with me just looking out the window.

    "We're here!" Tiara unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped out. The other girls followed immediately. Slowly, I got out of the car, hunching and in a bad mood.

    The girls linked arms and giggled, skipping into the mall. I followed them. I don't really like malls, in case you haven't noticed.

    "Ooooo!" I heard Tiara say loudly, "Cutie!"

    I followed her finger, and my heart stopped.

    No, no, not him .

  2. 

    Or as my friends like to call it,
  3. bump!!!!! 

  4. Andi I like that! I'm gonna say that instead now
  5. 

    I watched, horrified, as Tiara and her friends made their way to my prince charming.

    "Hello." Tiara smiled at him, batting her eyelashes.

    He looked up at her, "Hey." he said. He had his back to me, so he couldn't see that I was freaking out.

    "What's your name, cutie?" Frankie said and I gritted my teeth, angry. That witch had no right over him. Well, I didn't either but still.

    "Why should I tell you?" the guy said, cocking an eyebrow. I didn't know if he was flirting or if he was serious.

    "Cause, you look like the type of guy who would have a very very hot name." Tiara stepped in between Frankie and the guy, which made her closer to him. And which made me angrier.

    He gave a slight laugh, "Well, I don't usually give my name to strangers."

    "Beautiful strangers?" Tiara cocked her head to the side, smiling at him.

    That's it. I stormed towards them. But instead of confronting them, I pushed past them and ran to the restroom, shutting myself in there.


    There was a knock....

    And someone said...,



    Short.  I'm sick.
  6. <(^.^)> I love hugs. \_(^.^)_/ what can I say? Hug back!