
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Bump bumpity boo
  2. Bump!! 
  3. bump!!!!!! 

  4. Thanks to Joyce1234 for giving me this idea! Check her story, The Other Guy! 


    The breeze was comforting, the fresh crisp smell was delicious. I kicked a small pebble and watched it skid across the flat pavement.

    "That was a pretty good kick." Liam remarked from behind me.

    I looked up to him, smiling, "Thanks."

    We started walking again, silent. But it wasn't the awkward kind of silent; it was the comforting, sweet kind.

    "Tell me, has my sister always been like that to you?" he said out of the blue.

    I paused, "Yes."

    He nodded, "Well," he turned to look at me, "I'm sorry in her behalf."

    I scoffed instinctively.

    "Whaaat?" He said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

    I looked at him, shooting him a look, and rolled my eyes.

    He laughed, "Heey! It's not my fault my sister's a total witch."

    (PS, he didn't say witch)

    I laughed and we fell into silence, just kinda smiling at each other, walking down the pavement.

    Suddenly, his hand bumped into mine, and stayed five seconds longer than it was supposed to.

    "Uh, sorry." he said, pulling away.

    I smiled at him, "S'okay."

    He winked and ran a few steps ahead, picking up a small delilah, and kneeling down, presenting it to me, half-mockingly, half-sincerely.

    "For moi? " I said, feigning shock.

    He laughed and handed me the flower, and stood up.

    We resumed walking.

    "So...who did save you?" he asked.

    I hesitated, playing with the flower in my hands...

    "I don't know who did."


    Sorry it sucked. 
  5. It didn't suck! 
  6. I know exactly what Liam said. Witch? Pffft.  BUMPAROONI!!  I SPENT ALL MAH CLEVERNESS ON THAT. 
  7. Ikr he said nitch!! xDDD