
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. O that's just
  2. Bump bump bumpity boo^^ update
  3. Bump! This story is so good!
  4. bump, I love this!
  5. bump!!!! 

  6. 

    There are times when Tiara is nice, and there are times when she can be really mean. Unfortunately, the nice juices from her didn't squeeze out yet today.

    "Frankie, get me Gucci, stat." she snapped at one of her followers. The poor girl scurried away, unsure where she could find Gucci in the middle of a dingy high school in the States.

    I was a few feet away from her, sketching. I was sketching her, fawned by numerous minions, and giving out countless orders.

    "Tashaaa!" Tiara called and my head snapped up.

    "Come here will you? Bring your sketchpad." she smirked silently.

    I traveled as slow as i could, dragging my feet across the pavement.

    "Now, i want to draw something." she said, tapping the pencil against her chin.

    I shrugged, not really caring.

    "Hmm." Tiara started writing huge bold letters that i didn't bother to read.

    "Finished." she Smiled triumphantly, and looked at me expectantly. She made a twirling motion with her finger, and I turned, facing my back against her.

    She grabbed a roll of tape and stuck the paer against my back.

    "Perfect" she drawled.

    I didn't want to know what was writtin; I knew it was mean. But i didnt care. Honestly, I didn't.

    I slowly walked away, fully aware of the snickers and giggles. I turned back one last time to see Frankie give Tiara Gucci.

  7. bump!!!!! 

  8. Okay so, i made a typo. Instead of "Tiara smirked silently" it will be "Tiara smirked slightly."

    I was really sleepy cause it's 6:00 AM so I was really tired writing this.

    Okay, gotta go to school. 
  9. Have fun!!  Cya Aslan. 
  10. OH YEAH SECOND!!

  11. Moreeeeeeeeeeee.
  12. I'd hate to know Tiara:p
  13. 

    Reputation. Just a word. Yet it can mean so much to one person. To many people, actually.

    Why, you ask? Why am I such a complete loser? Why couldn't I find any friends? Why, why, why?

    There was the Crayon Incident...then there was Finals.

    It was a dark and gloomy day, the days when you were sure something bad was going to happen. I remember hearing thunder as I stepped into the school. But I didn't mind, I was busy holding an open book, reading the highlighted words and taking note of the important facts.

    People bumped me on their way to their own classes, everyone was rushing. I went to my own class, which was Biology, textbook still in hand. I sat down and started unpacking my backpack, all the while reading.

    I didn't notice the time fly by. It was time all to quickly. I watched, my palms sweating, my heart racing, as my teavher passed down the sheets of paper down thr aisle. I got mine and was too afraid to peek at the questions.

    One hour later

    "Pass you papers!"

    I leaned back triumphantly, satisfied with what lay in front of me. My work was finished, I can let out a breath now.

    "How'd you do?" a pencil tapped me in the shoulder and I turned, did you really have to guess who it was?

    "I did great, thanks, Tiara." I turned back to the front.

    One day later.

    "May Tiara Willson and Natasha Williams please proceed to the principals office."

    Our footsteps echoed in the hallway, my squeaky rubber shoes, and Tiara's high heels.

    "Miss Willson, Miss Williams, it seems you have been caught cheating." the principal had said. My jaw dropped and Tiara's eyes opened wider.

    "What?!" she said.

    The principal cleared his throat, "We discovered a paper containing Miss William and Miss Willson's names. The paper was the answers."

    My mind was spinning. I heard the words, detention, permanent record, suspensiom, decorum.

    And then everything went black.

  14. Bummmmmmmmp plzzzz!!!!
  15. bump!!!!!! 

  16. I just realized a terrible mistake. Tiara's family name is NOT Willson, but SAMUELS. HAHA, thanks for bearing with me!