
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. 

    I stared at him confused, "Wait. That wasn't you in the car?"

    He blinked, then looked down at his feet, "..No..."

    I leaned back in my hospital bed, the soft linen caressing my skin. This wasn't making any sense at all. Liam wasn't the one who brought the gus away? Who did then?

    The door burst open and stream of four people walked in.

    Tiara, Frankie, Miranda, and a poor frightened nurse.

    "Na-tash-a! Are you, like, o-kaaay?" Tiara's eyes widened in concern, but I could see right through them. There was a silent Ha. in the way she looked at me. As if challenging me.

    "H-Here's s-some w-water, m-miss." the nurse handed me a glass with shaky hands. I smiled at her. She looked so scared of Tiara.

    Tiara rolled her eyes at her and gave a loud sigh. The nurse, embarrassed, scampered out the door.

    "I am, like, sooooo sorry that happened to you. I wish, like, you'd get well." she blabbered on, gesturing wildly with her hands.

    "Mmmhmm." I murmured. Did she not recall my outburst at her?

    "I sooo did not expect this to happen! I mean, this is soooo not cool. If that was like, me...." she kept talking, and my mind was already drifting away.

    I though of the black Volkswagen. Who? Who? Who??

    Sighing, I shifted my position to place the glass of water on the small table beside me.

    A glint of the sun shone in my eyes through a window beside me bed.

    I squinted my eyes and look out the window.

    There was a black Volkswagen parked.

  2. Reowww!!
  3. Bump!!!!!!!!!
  4. Bump!! 
  5. bump!!!!!! 

  6. 

    Silence. For a moment, it was all silent. I mean, sure, Tiara kept talking, but me, I was still and silent. My ears had automatically muted their voices, and I was just staring at the black car.

    "Hello? Earth to Na-tash-a?" Tiara snapped her fingers.

    I blinked, breaking away from my daze, "Huh?"

    Tiara rolled her eyes, "Whatever." and she and her drones walked out. Finally walked out.

    I continued my staring contest with the car, speculating on what to do next.

    Go to the car, you idiot.

    "Uh, Liam? I'm gunna get some, uh, fresh air." I raked my brain for a more creative excuse but nothing came to me.

    Fortunately, he seemed to buy the excuse, "Sure." he helped me up, and, to my mortification, handed me a paper bag, "Your clothes." he said, turning a very very beet red.

    I turned the same shade, "T-Thanks." I was just in a simple robe, the hospital gown. It was thin and white. Need I explain more?

    "Ah-I'll, uh, be outside." he murmured and quickly the room, shutting the door behind him.

    I shut the curtains and proceeded to change. I changed quickly, andflung open the curtains to make sure the car was still there. It was.

    But someone was opening the door, about to go in the car.

    I cannot let him get away! Desperate, I struggled with the window lock and finally was able to fling the hatch open.

    "Hey!!" I was in the second floor, so my voice was perfectly audible.

    The man turned, and my heart stopped.

    He looked about my age, with dark hair and piercing green eyes which gazed deeply into mine He had a muscular build and a small smirk played on his lips, "Yes?"

    Dang. When I imagined meeting my savior, I had not comtemplated on two things. One, I didn't expect him to be beautiful. Second, I didn't exactly plan on what I would say after I got him.

    "Uh, hi." stupid Natasha. Very stupid.

    The smile grew wider, "Hello."

    What should I say next? Did you save me?

    "What's your name?" I blurted instead.

    He laughed, "That, you will have to find out on your own, my damsel in distress."

    He winked at me and drove away.

  7. Aww hottie in town