
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Bump!!

    Liam go and save her!! 
  2. 

  3.  bump!!!!

  4. Bump so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thank you to Joyce1234 for giving me the idea for this update! 


    Lights. Whenever I see a bright light, I picture the background music to be all angelic and holy. Like a seen out of a movie. Stupid, I know, but true.

    Now, lights were flashing all around. I thought of the time dad surprised me by taking a picture of me with flash and it ended up soring my eyes.

    The lights now were blinding. It was scary actually. Like you can feel your stomach, drop.

    I know, you must be thinking, seriously Tash? You find lights scary?

    But when you are surround with four guys who are about to do whatever with you, seeing a light flash wasn't exactly comforting.

    So there I was, sprawled on the ground, when the lights started coming. The angelic background music? Yeah, there was none. Instead, I heard the screeching of tires, and the faint smell of burnt rubber.

    I peeked my eyes open a bit. The four guys had now backed off a bit, all distracted by that one, that one, car.

    Yes, a black Volkswagen was growling at them, threatening to accelerate at any moment.

    The guys had hit me pretty hard multiple times, and I had been drifting in and out of consiousness.

    I heard a screech, and the loud purr of the motor. My brain was about to shut down. I was about to close my eyes, drift away.

    The last thing I saw was the boys running away.


    The faint smell of freshly baked bread filled up my nostrils. Mmm, my weakness.

    "Here you go sweetie." a woman laid a tray on my lap.

    I was at my house, sitting on my dad's favorite chair, you know, the red leather one.

    "Thanks mom." I heard myself say. I stopped. I wasn't saying these things. My mouth was moving on it's own.

    And, what? Mom? Wasn't she supposed to be....?

    My 'Mom' moved across the room, to the small oak table. When I was nine, I had craved my initials there, wanting to follow the people on TV.

    "Oh look hunnie! Winter dance is in two days!" she excitedly held a small blue envelope in her frail hands.

    I felt my eyes roll and my mouth open, "Mo-om. I'm not going to that stupid thing." my arms crossed by themselves.

    I was still really confused. I wanted to stand up, touch her, hug her, say I love you. But my feet, my hands, my mouth wouldn't budge.

    "Fine." she sighed, "Well, dinner's in a few!"

    She started talking about a huge dinner the next day.

    It was then I was sucked in my mind again. I wasn't in reality. That was a flashback.


    I opened my eyes. White was all I could see. I turned to my left, my vision still blurry. It hurt. I turned to my right. My eyes focused on a figure beside my bed.

    "Liam!" I said out loud.

    Then it all came rushing back to me. The alley, the knife, the guys, Tiara, the Wonderstruck perfume, the car.

    Liam rushed to me, "Natasha....I am so...so....so sorry. I-I-I shouldn't have left you...I was so stupid...ugh...i-I-I-I-"

    "Sshh." I said, a smile playing on my lips, "You saved me anyway."

    He looked up and met my eyes, "W-What? I didn't save you..."

    My brain took a moment to process this. Wait. It Liam didn't save me,

    ....who did?

  6. bump!!!!! 

  7. who saved her!?
  8. Wowwsis ur awesome