
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Hellooo.  I would wanna update but I'm tired. Haha. So hi. Update today if I can and if school is not killing me. Thank you sooooooo much!  Thanks for making this story possiblee! 
  2. 

    Do you know that feeling when you're at the top of a roller coaster? That sinking yet amazing feeling in the pit of your stomach?

    Sometimes you feel excited. Sometimes you feel scared.

    Well, that's how i feel now. Liam. He was here. Just seeing his face sent shivers down my spine.

    Oh ****. He's here. He can see me. With a freaking knife. Then there's that scared feeling.

    "Natasha?" he said again.

    "U-Uh, h-hi." I quicky tucked the knife behind me, and smiled up to him. As if that would do me any good. How could I exppain why I was sitting on the ground, bloody, and beside a dumpster.

    "Wait," his face came closer, "Are you...bleeding?!"

    I bit my lip, "Um, kinda...I mean, it's not that big of a deal..uh.."

    In a flash, he removed his muscle v-neck t-shirt (which was quite sexy) and my jaw dropped.

    Liam, shirtless, rushed to me, kneeling beside me, and started wrapping his shirt around my wounded arm.

    "This isn't nothing. You look like a mess."

    That was when I remembered that he wasn't speaking to me after the Beer Incident. Another incident where Tiara has ruined my life. Check.

    "What, I don't meet the Samuels standards?" I turned away from him, kind of pissed now.

    I heard him gasp, but I wasn't going to look at him. It wasn't until he said something that made me turn.

    "You..tried to kill yourself?" his voice was barely over a whisper.

    I looked at him. When I had turned away, the knife behind me now became visible.

    I didn't say anything. I just stared at him. I couldn't say anything.

    "Natasha..." his eyes clouded over, "I am so so so sorry."

    My tongue was tied in knots.

    "I didn't think it would come to this." he murmured, "Damn, I'm so stupid. I should've believed you. Damn."

    I clucked my tongue, "Thanks for your sympathy. I could've used it that day." I don't know why I was being so mean. It was as if allthe anger and insercurity was finally releasing itself.

    He scooted closer to me , and surprisingly, put his arm around me.

    "I am so so sorry."

    I looked down at his shirt around my arm, feeling tears in my eyes.

    Then suddenly....

    I looked up....

    He came closer...

    And closer.

  3. Bump!!!!!!
  4. Awwwww
  5. 


    Liam stopped coming closer. Instead, he leaned back, and grasped his pocket.

    Taking out his celphone, he looked at the caller, and looked at me, "I have to take this."

    I nodded. He walked a few steps away, and answered the phone. In the mean time, I stood up, and dusted myself. What had happened? Was Liam about to..to..kiss me?

    "Hey." the phone call was short. In a flash, Liam was beside me.

    "Natasha..." he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

    I blushed, looking down, "U-Uh. We should be heading home."

    Liam nodded and led me out of alley. I was surprised at how late it was. It looked like it was around 8 PM.

    "I brought my car here.." he said.
    "How did you know I was here, anyway?" that question was pondering me.
    It was Liam's turn to blush, "Well...actually, I-uh...followed you.."
    Then he pecked me in the cheek and ran off after his car.
    I stood there, blushing like mad. I touched the spot he kissed, and wasn't really surprised to find it hot.

    The air suddenly dipped, the mood changed. Cars stopped passing, and there were less people around this road.

    "Hey pretty lady!" I spun around. Where had that voice come from?

    "Thurs no need to be scareddd." another voice echoed.

    Suddenly three men appeared. They slowly surrounded me. One had a gold tooth, and another had multiple piercings.

    "S-Stay away from me." my voice was shaky; it didn't exactly scream confidence.

    I backed up a few steps. I was entering the alley again.

    "Woah there." a pair of hands gripped my elbows from behind, steadying me.

    Liam? I felt my heart give a leap.

    "Nice work bro." the one with gold teeth said.

    My heart sank. It wasn't Liam. It was someone with really bad breath.

    "Now, now, boys." the third man said, "What are we going to do with this little one?" he stared at me.

    I whimpered and all of them laughed.

    "Well, isn't that cute?" the one holding me said. He dragged me deeper into the alley, the boys following.

    "L-Let-me-g-go!" I pulled and thrusted but he was too strong.

    "Not so soon, missy! We're going to take you somewhere!" they all laughed evily.

    I continued struggling. Tears were now coming.

    "Aww, don't cry, hun! I call dibs on her by the way." laughter again.

    They began closing in on me.

    I screamed, "SOMEBODY HELP!" one of the guys slapped me, "HELP! LIAM! HELP!..."


  6. Thanks pink. 

    ... Any more? .....
  7. BUMMMMMMMMP!!!!!!
  8. Ahh! AMAZING!
  9. Bump!!!!!!
  10. Bump!!  Omigosh I KNEW that was gunna happen!!  BUMP!!!