
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. You haz cookies?? Y u no gimme?

    I haz cupcakes. 
  2. Bump man Andi so many words I would say but so many censors!
  3. -gives Andi 2 choc chip cookies- There you go. BUMP!!! 
  4. Aawwwwwww sAd update
  5. Awe bump):
  6. Kira: is it something bad? 

    Aslan: YAY! -gives a vanilla and chocolate cupcake- Nice doing business with you. 
  7.  bump!

  8.  CUPCAKE!! -starts eating cupcake- Enjoy the cookies! And UPDATE!! Byeeeeeee -skips off eating cupcake-
  9. Dear Aslan, I loved the cookies, make more? Thanks! Batman.



    I once saw a guy with scars all over his arms, some healed, some fresh. I couldn't stop staring.

    Freshman year. Frances J'oviente. Foriegn exchange student. He got ridiculed because of his accent, and bullied because of his clothes.

    He killed himself. July 30. The thing was, I was the last person to talk to him. He was on his way home, and little did I know, he was on his way to hanging himself.

    I wish I could say that I was nice, that I made his last few moments meaningful, but that wouldn't be fair. I was walking the other direction when he bumped me. Hard.

    "What where you're going." I hissed. I had had a bad day, the usual Tiara, failed test, not enough money for lunch, the sort of cr*ppy day everyone has.

    He murmured a quick sorry under his breath and started walking again.

    I don't know what stopped me, but I turn and just stared at him, his back slowly disappearing. Now I think, should I had apologized, or even caught up with him and walked him home?

    It's too late now.


    I held the small pocket knife I bought at the thrift shop at my wrist. Tears were already streaming down my face. I took a deep breath. Just once.

    The pocket knife wouldn't even fit my wrist, it was too small. Well, I would want to be walking around carrying a butchers knife.

    With that thought, I gave a short laugh. That was nice. A last laugh for my last few moments.

    The knife was dug deeper, and it cut through a tiny layer of skin. Blood didn't show yet, though. It was starting too. The beads of red slowly trailed down my skin. I felt pain, but it was minimal. Everything was minimal for my now.

    I proceeded to another part, and I cut myself there. My life just sucks so bad. My parents are dead, yes I thought of the word, and I have no friends? Why live?

    I brought the knife to my neck, ready to just end it. Tears were coming faster now, saltier.



    Who is the person? Is it someone from the past? An old aquantance? An enemy? Or a new character entirely?
  11. Bump!!!!!
  12. Bummmmmp!!! 