
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. awwww.... bump!!!! 

  2. Thank you! I shall update soon. Tonight maybe? Have to go to school. Bye! 
  3. Bump^^ bumpity boo
  4. Bump:) update!
  5. NUUUU! Third page!
    It's a sign. Time to update!


    Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

    Yeah, right.

    Nobody wants you here.

    The note was slipped under my door, lightly hitting the dusty square rug that was laid carelessly on the hard wood floor. Shortly after the note was slipped, I heard the soft running of footsteps.

    Once it quieted, I slowly got off the creaky old brown bed and walked over to the door. It wasn't a long walk, the Samuels had given me a small room. Small was an understatement, really.

    Picking up the paper, I smelled the faint odor of Wonderstruck, and I knew who sent it.

    I took the scented paper by two fingers, as if it would explode at any moment.

    I sat on my bed and opened the note, and the four words flashed between my eyes.

    Anger burned inside me; i was sick and tired of this...of this...this ****! Can't they just leave. Me. Alone?!

    Before I could stop myself, the anger took over and I stood up, rightened myself (cause I almost fell when I stood up) and threw the door open. Charging into Tiara's room, I saw the Barbie B*tches, as I was starting to call them.

    "Gawd, Tash, ever heard of knocking?" Tiara asked when I flung the door open.

    "Gosh, Tiara, ever heard of minding your own business?" I snapped back.

    The other girls, including Tiara, looked shocked. I had never ever retorted back and now here I was, looking like I could break her newly manicured finger with a glance.

    Tiara regained herself, "At least I don't enter each others houses like it's their own!"

    "At least I don't lie to my parents and accuse someone of something they didn't do!"

    Tiara met my gaze, "At least I have parents." she said coldly.

    My heart stopped. And I could see the other girls suck in a breath. Tiara's eyes widened, but they were still cold. She had crossed the line. They knew it, I knew it, she knew it.

    Without another word, I ran out. Out of her room, out of her house.

    What was the point of living already?

  6. Bump!! 
  7. ASLANNNN! Hi. 
  8. Hewo!!  How ya been? Wonderful update by the way. 
  9. Greatt.  AWW, THANKS! 

    Tiff: 0h h1 7h3r3!
  10. H1 @SL@N! H0₩ @R£ ¥0U D01N9?
  11. 4w350m3! Wh47 4b0u7 ¥0u?
  12. Bump!! Amazing as per usual!! 
  13. Ohmygosh, it's the best author ever! All hail! 
  14. I haz cookiez. 