
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  2. bump!!!!!!!! 

  3. L0L. D0 Y0U L1K£ T0 WR1T£ D1FF£R£NT? '€@U$£ 1 £NJ0¥ R£@D1NG 1T!!

    1 @M WR1T1NG L1K£ TH1$ B£€@U$£ 1 @M B0R£D. 
  4. 0h, h3ll0 71ff4ny!
  5. h3¥ T|ff@n¥ 3||0 4nd|
  6. H3ll0! 1 w1ll upd473 $00n <@u$3 1'm 71r3d. 433h33!
  7. ¥@¥!! UPD@T£ $00N!! ^~^
  8. 

    Dear Mom,

    How's the 'upside' doing for you? The downside isn't too great. Remember the one who survived your accident? Yeah, I'm living with them now. It's.....been hard.

    Why? That was the question, the three letter word that would keep up at nights.

    Why you? Why this time? Why so soon?

    Why, why, why?

    I miss you. There, I said it.

    I miss when I would come home from a bad day to your amazing chocolate chip cookies.
    I miss the way you would check my bedroom at 11:00 on the dot to make sure I didn't sneak off, even though you know perfectly well that I had no friends to sneak off with.
    I miss dad's laugh when you would tell an especially funny joke and the sound would echo throughout the house.
    I miss how you'd wave your favorite wooden spoon at Scott whenever he failed a test.
    I even miss the way you wouldn't allow me to wear make-up to school.

    I took those little things for granted and now they're...gone.

    You're gone.

    Okay, that sounds so cliché but what do you expect me to say? You're the only one I could really pour my feelings to.

    So let's get back to reality.

    Well you're funeral is in a few days. Two, to be exact.

    Aunt Daisy and Uncle Timmy are coming over to help out. Remember when we used to make fun of their names?

    The Samuels aren't exact in good terms with me. It started with that thing with Tiara.

    Yes, she is still a witch.

    You know I meant to say something else than witch.

    I don't have to explain what happened since I'm sure you were watching the whole time and taking my side.

    I'm sorry. I'm sorry for screaming at you. For saying those dreadful things.
    I am so so sorry. So sorry.

    This is probably the longest letter I've ever written.

    I might throw this out after, since I have no where to mail to too.

    Unless you know the address of heaven.

    Missing you,



    How'd you like that?
  10. Awe!!!! Bump!!!!