
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. HERE WE GOO! :)


    Floating. It's fun, isn't it? I love floating on water. How you can feel the water beneath your fingers. It feels great.

    That wasn't how I felt.

    I felt panic rising in my throat. Yet I was unconsious, I knew that I can't last any longer.

    Suddenly my feelings changed. My mind cleared, my breathing returned to normal.

    I gasped and sat up. I felt a little prickling sensation from the ground. I tilted my head to the side.

    Grass. I looked around, three figures were staring at me.

    "Tasha! Are you okay?" the first figure asked. It was Liam.

    "I-I think so." I noticed his arms were sweating, he must've been the one to save me.

    "What were you doing in the sauna?!" Mrs. Samuels asked.

    "I-I-I....Tiara...locked m-me." I stammered.

    Mr. Samuels' eyes flickered to mine, "What?! My little girl would never do that."

    Mrs. Samuels shooked her head in exasperation, "Please, Natasha. Don't go blaming everyone."


    "And heavens, where did you get the bottle?"

    I glanced at the broken shards around me.

    "T-Tiara told me to get it." I admitted.

    Mr. Samuels gave a heavy sigh, "Don't blame my little girl."

    He gave a disgruntled growl and walked away, bring Mrs. Samuels with him.

    I stood there, not believing what just happened.

    Liam looked after his parents, then back at me.

    Then he ran after them, disgusted with me.

  2. She's a meanie!
  3. So mean!!!): bump!!!!
  4. BUMP! It's so GOOD!! as per usual Kudos to you, the BEST author EVER!! 
  5. OH HAHA. I THINK YOU MAY HAVE POSTED IN THE WRONG THREAD....it's supposed to be YOUR thread that's the best! 
  6. Bad bad bad Tiara... Poor Natasha 

    I have a friend named Natalie 
  7. Poor Natasha tiara go burn in hell and words I'm not gonna say xD
  8. Haha,every time I see the name 'Natasha',I keep mistaking it as 'Natalie' 
  9. Kira: HAHAHAHAHA -censored words- 

    Tiffany: HAHA, Natalie? Haha, you must picture her in your head! HAHA jk 
  10. Unfortunately,I do. not