
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheAndi, Jan 15, 2012.

  2. Bump please!!! *hopes she's not thrown in the pool
  3. *Thinks they are gonna drown her.* 
  4. 

    Mmmmmm. The fresh air. Refreshing, isn't it? The wind in your face, you hair, blowing wildly.

    "So, Tasha! I am so excited!" Tiara squealed, "We are going to be the best of friends, I mean, we are already, right?"

    I offered a small weak smile and sat at a small bench, playing with my hands.

    Miranda sat down beside me, "What do you say...we go get some drinks!"

    "Coke?" I answered.

    Frankie rolled her eyes, "No, silly. You know, beer."

    Tiara's eyes lit up, "Weell, I'm not allowed to touch it....but you guys can."

    "Not it!" Frankie and Miranda chorused, then looked at me.

    "N-Not it?" I said, a little too late.


    "Hurry up!" a voice hissed, and I jumped.

    My hands shaking, I opened the tiny fridge and grabbed the first bottle I could see.

    "C'mon!" Tiara said through the walkie-talkie.


    Oh, sh*t.

    I jumped up, "Oh, um, Mrs. Samuels! Tiara just asked me to, um, get, uh, her magazine!"

    I grabbed the first magazine I saw. Gre-eat. Did it have to be the one about 'home improvements'?

    "Oh really...?" Mrs. Samuels raised an eyebrow, then shook her and walked out.

    I ran out as fast as I could to the backyard.

    "Yes!" Miranda said.

    "Sauna time?" Tiara suggested.

    "Totally." Frankie said.

    I followe them, ignoring their endless chatter, into a wooden structure.

    "Thanks for the bottle, Tash. As an award, you get to take the first sip and be the first one in the sauna!" Tiara cheered.

    Oh, sweeeet! (sarcasm)

    I grabbed the bottle and stepped in the sauna. It wasn't heatdd yet, but traces of moist in the air was evident.

    "B*tch." Tiara's smile dropped and it turned into a scowl.

    My eyes widened as I watched her shut the door and lock it.

    And they left.

  5. She so mean!!
  6. Bump!!!!!!
  7. 

    The room was spinning out of control. I was claustrophobic, and being stuck in a sauna wasn't exactly helping.

    "Tiara!" I screamed after her, pounding helplessly on the glass door.

    She was halfway through the door of the house when she turned and met my gaze.

    For a moment, her eyes showed some pity and hope fluttered in my stomach.

    A second later, it vanished. Her eyes harden and she flipped me the finger.

    I took a step back. I was starting to panic. I ran to the controls of the sauna, where was that open door?

    I saw this button that had a small rectangular shape on it. It looked like a door to me. I pressed on it and instantly the atmosphere changed.

    It became hotter .

    "Help!!" I screamed, "Help!!"

    Steam flooded my vision, and I started to sweat.

    "Help!!" I tried again.

    The beer was still in my hand. Desperate, I slammed it against the glass door, hoping to break the doors.


    The beer exploded and glass flew everywhere, I turned my face away, careful not to get injured.

    I started breathing abnormally. Black spots appeared in my vision. I staggered into a small bench.

    Then, finally, everything went black.

  8. Bummmp!!!
    She can't die!
  9. Bump!!!!!!