
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Eliza02 (01), Nov 9, 2011.

  1. Bump!!!!! It's so good!!! :)
  2. Aaw. Thanks for bumping! :)

    Will be updating a little later.
  3. I demand moar <(€_€)>
  4. Chelsea's point of view:

    I could not believe what I was hearing.
    Is the school prince confessing to me?
    The plain, boring me?!

    I looked at him. His eyes were filled with sincerity and determination.
    He wasn't joking at all. He was dead SERIOUS.

    "You LIKE me?!" I confirmed, still in the middle of shock.

    "No." Rick answered grimly.

    "I LOVE you, Chelsea." he continued while smiling.

    I almost dropped dead. That smile must be illegal. That kind of smile kills. My heart was beating furiously.

    "Wh-why me?" I asked curiously. My face feels hotter than before.

    "Like what Ken said, you are the type of girl who gives light to those guys buried in darkness." Rick explained while walking towards me.

    Aaaw. That was sweet.


    I just forgot.

    "Ken." I whispered to myself.
    Rick stopped walking. He was an inch away from me.

    "Do you like him?" Rick asked. His handsome smile turned into a frown.

    "I-I don't know." I answered.

    "Then, do you like me?" Rick asked with his goofy grin returning to his handsome face.

    "I don't know either! This is too sudden!" I cried out, feeling so messed up.

    Rick backed away.
    He looked at me with understanding eyes.

    "Sorry. I couldn't just bear to see the girl I love taken away from me." Rick honestly said while patting my head.

    I felt comfort when Rick gently patted my head.
    BUT Ken does this also when I feel sad.
    Argh! Who should I choose?
    Both are annoyingly PERFECT.

    Rick looked at me and probably saw the discomfort in my eyes.
    "What day would you give your answer to Ken?" Rick asked.

    I mentally counted the days.
    "Monday." I answered.

    "Then, I'll have my answer by then also. You would be telling your answer in front of Ken and me." Rick meekly ordered.

    "B-but..." I protested.

    "Chelsea, this way, it would be easier for you. I believe Ken prefers this way also." Rick explained.

    "B-but..." I defended for the last time.

    "Chelsea," Rick gently said, "I hope you make the right decision."
    He took a step closer towards me. He stared at my eyes and gently kissed my forehead.

    "I love you." Rick passionately whispered.

    He turned around and walked away, leaving me totally breathless.
  5. Chelsea's point of view:

    I HATE this.
    I really HATE this.

    In stories, girls like it when two guys fight over them.
    But in my case, I'm not really buying this.

    My magical "pretend" date ended last Friday night.
    Since then, I was not able to get a good sleep.
    I have been spending my time thinking who to choose and how not to hurt the other one.

    Today is Sunday
    3:00 pm
    And guess what?
    I have not made up my mind yet.


    "Honey, that is your 101th yawn for today." my mom teasingly said as she comes inside the room.

    I grinned.
    My mom is really goofy. She cracks up corny jokes, but it would still send me laughing.
    Maybe I should ask an advice from her.

    "Mom, I have this friend who has love problems, and it has been bothering me lately." I started. I better hide the fact that I am the "friend" I'm talking about or else my mom would not let me hear the end of it.

    "My daughter is having love problems?" my mom cried out in disbelief.

    "I-it's not me. I-it's my friend." I stammered.

    "If you say so." my mom teasingly grinned.

    "My friend is torn between two guys. They're both smart, gentle and handsome. Plus, they both love my friend very much." I said while sighing.

    "That's a tough one." my mom commented as she rubbed her chin.

    "Yeah," I agreed, "My friend actually thought of not choosing either of the two to prevent the other from getting hurt."

    "NO!" my mom strongly disagreed which startled me.
    "Tell your friend that she's making a bad choice if she does that. She'll just end up hurting both. And why would she run away from her own happiness?" my mom explained.

    I fell silent for a moment.

    "I have to go now, dear." my mom said as she got up.
    "Make good choices." she said as she smirked.

    "I told you that it isn't me!" I cried out.

    "If you say so." she once again said while grinning.

    I thought hard about what my mom said.
    I, then, thorougly thought of who to choose.

    12:00 am, Monday.

    This is it.
    This is the day.
    And I have already made my decision.
  7. Moar? 

    CHOOSE RICK 
  8. 
    LOVE IT!
    ...update soon plz
  9. Bump!! Bump!! Bump!!!!! 
  10.  why you be like dat! Ima die. This is too good for you to not tell us in like, 5 min. I love it
  12. Rick's point if view:


    "Stop yawning. It's contagious." my sister, Jessie complained while yawning.

    "Sorry, I did not have enough sleep." I apologized. I let out another yawn which made my eyes water.

    Actually, I did NOT sleep at all.
    I was too nervous and excited.

    What if...
    Chelsea chooses me?
    How could I make her the happiest woman alive?
    Where would I take her for our first REAL date?
    It should be romantic. How does the beach sound?

    But what if...
    Chelsea rejects me?
    How should I react?
    My heart sank.

    "No, I should think positively." I declared which made Jessie look at me weirdly.

    I prepared well for school.
    I brushed my teeth too hard which made my gums bleed.
    I sprayed 3 different colognes on me which made me smell like garbage.
    I applied too much hairgel which made my hair appear stiff.

    At last!
    After 1 and a half hours, I look decent.

    As I approach the school gate, my heart began beating furiously.
    I mean, IT'S JUST AN ANSWER.
    I've done this many times before.
    But it's Chelsea.
    She's special.

    I walked confidently, but felt a sudden chill on my spine.

    I turned around.

    Oh, it's HIM.
    My ex-basketball partner.
    My ex-friend.
    My rival.
  13. Ken's point of view:

    "Thirty more push-ups!" my coach ordered.

    "That's crazy! This is the last day!" I cried out while grasping my swollen muscles. I was breathing heavily from the 20 km marathon.

    "I am aware that today is Sunday. But that does not mean that my authority over you has an expiration date. Get on your knees, NOW!" my coach shouted.

    I grumbled as I positioned myself.
    This is all Rick's fault.
    He is REALLY going to pay.

    ... 28 ... 29 ... 30!

    "Well done, Kenneth!" my coach said as he patted my back.


    Speaking of the devil, the text message was from my back-stabbing ex-friend, Rick. It says:

    "Hey, men. I know that tomorrow's Monday. And that's the day you get your answer from Chelsea. We are not really going out, but I confessed to her last Friday. I asked her to give her answer the same time she does to you. Sorry for lying. :("

    My hand was shaking as I read the message. ANGER flowed throughout my body.
    Why did he lie?!
    Why did he confess?!
    What was Chelsea's reaction?!

    So many questions entered my mind.
    But the fact that I DESPISED Rick did not change.

    I should make sure that Chelsea would choose me, and at the same time, reject poor Rick.
    I'll do this even if I have to play DIRTY.

    I grabbed my cellphone and dialed a number.

    "Hello?" a woman answered, with a hint of vanity and seduction in her voice.

    "Hi, this is Ken. You have to help me." I pleaded.

    "And why should I do that?" she playfully asked.

    "Don't you want to have your revenge on Rick?" I confirmed.

    "Hell, YES!" she cried out.
    I grinned evily.

    "Then, let's be partners in this one. Me, Kenneth Winston and you...

    ... Regina Walters."
  14. Buuuuump!!!!!!