HEY GUYS! It's I! ELIZA02. I was SUPER DUPER busy for the past months. And now, I'm back, baby! As you can see, it's a new account. My ipod died last last month. Well, anyway, I'm glad to be baaaack!
Eliza! I've been one of the lurking readers throughout the 242 pages you've had. And I must say, I've regretted it. I always wanted to tell you this, Your talent for writing is so amazing, I've teared up, got angry, (etc) along with the characters! Desperate is by far the best story on FF (sorry for other writers) and, well.. I can't really explain it. ^-^
Eliza, I honestly think that your commitment to your story is amazing; you really are an inspiration in that sense. You have updated frequently (except for ya know now xD) and I really admire you for that. Your ability to accept criticism is fantastic and I think it's brilliant that you have that ability. However... I find a lot if this very unrealistic. No one really gets a fiancé at 18 or whatever and if you do it's not normal. I'm really confused about Chelsea; from the beginning Ken and Rick seemed to think she was God's gift and later on in the story there were certain points where even Chelsea thought she was beautiful. But there were a lot of people and self insecurity that contradicted all this. Also I've found theres a lot of careless mistakes that if you had reread it about half an hour later you could have fixed. You really need to work on your tense mistakes. As everyones story on FF does I'd like more description. I admire you a lot Eliza but I disagree with this being the best story on FF. Eliza, you have the resilience I wish I had. Keep writing. ;D ~Cherry
@GP and Cherry. Hiya guys! Nice meeting you for the first time. Feels good to know that there are still people readin' my story. I know I have lots of points to improve on. Thanks for caring enough to comment. Much much appreciated.