Derailment - the Thread

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 23, 2019.

  1. World ended in 2012.. we're all going through the same dream.
  2. I like you in my dreams
  3. You’re only flirting with him cuz Anon is MIA
  4. Is that true? 
  5. Someone silence this rogue mod what the actual fùck I am so hurt rn :c
  6. Who here enjoys lemonade?
  7. 1. You read twilight/watched the movies? I am surprised since you dislike Harry Potter so much and jk Rowling is a much better writer.
    2. Also. If u do like her or even if u don't u should watch the yt video 'Dear Stephanie Meyer.' I'm not big on feminism rly but I thought it was interesting. It was basically an analysis of ppl loving to hate female-specific literature/interests but paraphrased as an apology video to stephanie meyer for all the hate she got for her very average romance novel. It put some stuff into perspective for me surprisingly since usually I roll my eyes af at videos like that.
  8. This is an interesting dream that I could have in no way foreseen. Also somebody pls cancel some actions I took approximately 13 hours ago, I am having some regrets in my #noragrets laif
  9. Oh Buffy? ik Buffy
  10. I watched the movies, just like I watched all the HP movies. Don't really like it but mostly because of the fact that Edward literally is sending up multiple red flags and yet Meyer romanticizes it. He's a creep

    Also I've read from Native Americans that her portrayal of them in it are... not very good

    Was just kind of mentioning it only because it would... derail ?
  11. I hate some veggies.