My brother was a depressed lump of uselessness when he went thru his breakup :| i hated seeing him that way... But really Jopo, everyone gets depressed at some point. tbh. If you don't? You're inhuman. Might even be an android.
I dont get why people eat when they're sad/depressed. I didnt get hungry... I actually skipped breakfast and dinner.. Weird. lol
Yeah but like when I think of depression I think of suicide. And I've never like thought about suicide so I dont consider my sadness as depression.. lol. Just...... Deep sadness. Haha.
True.. But I think depression takes multiple forms and the suicide one is one of the worst. expression is like a side effect to life
My brother almost stopped eating, but I was the opposite. I was depressed because I was bullied, and I ate until I gained an extra 30lb but food was comfort... Ugh. When I got better I stopped eating as much, portioned and crap. I lost what I gained I'm no longer a fattie or at least I'm more comfortable in my own skin.
Well yeah I mean, I know depression isnt just like being suicidal, but I see it that way... y'know? Like, I know that people can have depression even if they dont think about suicide. But my brain just links depression with suicide for some reason and if I'm feeling like rly sad, I automatically just think "well I'm not thinking about suicide so I'm not depressed." I think to just like, not believe I'm depressed or something. Y'know? Anywho. It's only happened once tho. Well..... Twice but the same girl. Haha. First time was a Long time ago. Second time was in October 2012. When I 'quit' pimd cuz of my problems but came back the next day.
Hmm I guess it's an automatic thing to make you feel better, if you're not depressed or at least don't think you are life is better. I never thought I was depressed until now, cuz when I look back I realized I was a mental mess.
How the fuck am I suppose to know how you feel? Am I you? No I am me. So it's up to you to tell the person how you feel
10 yrs and still coping, it's like no one cares... Energy levels kept on getting drained by the end of the day sometimes even if i just woke up i feel tired. Tried to cope with playing instruments (i know how to play 12). I liked the vibrations of the stage while we play(Orchestra) Almost died a few times too (some attempted some just happened) went through the worst about 5yrs ago... Felt like everything i do was useless (still do sometimes); got sick for more than half a yr; tried to cope with it by finding someone to make it all go away (didnt work); after 2 failed attempts i tried coping with MMORPGs specifically KaW(Kingdoms at war) Met someone who makes my life a little meaningful. And he's still around He's also playing PimD with me XD
Oh god.. Depression. I try to express myself about it, but I always feel like I'm not myself anymore, and empty space is coming and going. I've never done anything that would want to kill myself, but it always is reminded to me everyday. I'm in therapy, and the professionals think I'm overreacting, and that I think so closely to world, and imagine things I shouldn't. I can't believe myself anymore. I feel as air is just taking my body in, and I can't say what I want to say. I barely react to anything, as I feel like this is nothing compared to the other thoughts in my mind. I don't try to show it. It's hard when someone asks what's wrong, and then they think that what you say is over dramatic and it's an illusion. It's not, it's that we can see what others can't. Emotions are infectious to me. I've explained to my parents about it, and they think I've lost it. That why would their potential child that has exceeded in her academic studies turn out like a mopey, loner? They yelled at me. And I feel worthless every time someone raises their voice at me. That is what I used to be, had all A's and I study, but I can't breathe at the sight of my studies, I don't have time for myself anymore. Just study. They have me a break, but felt my lonely self crawling back to me, trying to urge to stop it all. So right now, I think I'm failing in most of my classes. My GPA was great, until I felt the nerve to be depressed. I feel many things. But I don't want the pity. I'm coping, sort of. But I want all of the ones who want someone to talk to, I'm always here.
I pity ppl who put on the depression act. It's become so popular these days. The read up on the Internet and establish the symptoms. It's to get attention they think is lacking. I don't care who died, the girlfriend boyfriend dumbed you, you dog is seeing a mongrel. If your healthy you have no business being depressed. Depression, attention dedicate disorder, are just excuses for lazy teens. You fake flakes are akin to ppl pretending to be crippled. Bottom line is your lazy fucks and this is your excuse. We have all been depressed usually the puppy love thing when it come crashing in. Screw he/she did you a favor, better now than later. Please if there is no future for jump off a cliff so the rest of us don't have to listen.
I'm sorry, I was legit depressed when I was bullied let me tell you about it.. I FELT LIKE CRAP. I was insecure, extremely sensitive and it wasnt a freaking excuse. I have a 3.8 GPA and a job that I asked for myself. I wanted to work and earn my money. Don't say it's an excuse for lazy teenagers cuz not all depressed teenagers are lazy, and it's not always an excuse. Like for me. It was REAL, and I still struggle with it some days. Nobody is perfect , stop hating.
@Engel That is ridiculous fucking bullshit. I can't even comprehend the amount of crap you just said, because the ignorance is just too ridiculously hard to handle. Are you seriously telling me that you don't believe depression is an actual, happening thing?!
It's no hate , it's more disgust. Are you healthy? Can you see hear talk walk? If you can, you have a weak mind, that's all. I work with cancer and aids patients. They are dying only about 2% are depressed. This is a short life go enjoy it. Depression is a modern society excuse for avoiding reality. Life is not a bowl of cherries. Here is my list of reasons to be depressed Mother left Father(drunk) moved 9,000 miles away. Mother meets great guy (new Da) marries him and promptly dies when I was 9. Love my Da. He and my Sister raised me and you'd never know he's no my birth father. Later in my second last year of University I meet the man of my dreams, even plan babies and he turns out to be married. Dang. Good thing he pissed me off, a met a better guy 2 years ago, my age, well off, great at everything. So without giving you a long sad story you'll admit I've had the "A" typical reason for permanent depression. Life is too short Lead follow or get the heck out of the way. You want to be a drone in a rubber room? Well go sign up.
I think we just discovered an emotionless robot. :| it's true that some people could be faking it, but you can't truly diagnose depression anyway. It's hard to tell. But it's a real problem. Just because you are so friggin perfect doesn't mean you should harshly judge those of us who can't help it