Dear PMW (Apology)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -TDA_lMrAmaze, Dec 29, 2013.

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  1. semperfi?

    goodluck trying to get up with so many inc on you. Lmfao.
  2. You know they make dns for a reason and nobody will farm someone for months
  3. you dn & youll be dtw so quick, trust me.

    & its possible. I was farmed for months. Lmfao
  4. It has happened before, terror farm war went on for over a year before it ended 
  5. You guys just don't know when to dn and yea when you face a strong club expect that but when it's like 4 ppl who arnt bc they will stop and get bc when they get tired and stop you wait till they sleep and get money back
  6. Some ppl might not sleep ?
  7. Yea cuz I've met many ppl that never sleep when they have jobs and stuff to do
  8. if there's enough ppl from different time zones then you would be dtw, though you also have to sleep and if your on the same time zones that's a problem also ️
  9. okay semperfi, im just gonna stop talking.
    Youre the master of the sf art
    Please teach me the art of dning at the perfect time to avoid inc?
  10. You don't need much sleep 2-3 hours can do a night and you just aim for ppl that stop hitting you then you hit those ppl even if you loose so what your loosing energy anyway and why not buy pots your gonna loose money either way
  11. I believe this topic has run its course
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