He "chose" to do it! The fact that he was being farmed during this time had nothing to do with it! Apology threads suck! And Idk why he would drop stats that's possibly more dumb than an apology thread! Suck it up Buttercup!!! "
Agreed if I dropped stats I wouldnt apologize for anything and yea that agreement was dumb not bring aloud to upgrade or buy tuts for a month wow we have new wanna be leaders of pimd watch out guys
He shouldn't even of had to drop stats, FYI he actually paid for them, which is his own choice but that's still not the point, he wasn't forced to drops stats nor except the CF terms but he was mature enough to realise it would set things right, none of you clearly none what happened so stop trying to think you do
Guess what I do know what happened. matured up it's a game where every 5 seconds someone gets silenced for being a perv. And he dropped stats over a game so what he gave up to early
fear, did u or anyone in your club help? thats my question. did yall spend money? when u instigate, these things happen, and u can expect to spend money or meet cf terms. im not a pmw fan, but it seems that this whole thing was silly, and he did it to himself.
Oh I'm very mature actually I just don't see the point in making cf terms so harsh but you not what it's a game I'm not gonna sit here debating with you what should and shouldn't of been done what's happened has happened he has accepted the consequences and he did it at his own will. So just stop writing negative comments on here. He's not a sissy for dropping stats, he can easily make them back. ️
We didn't help him, because I didn't know the issue till I actually asked and I got told what was going on. Yes this does happen but you have to admit these terms are quite harsh. I mean it doesn't effect me but I does affect our club in some ways. But can't help that
you chose not to help, he chose not to fight back, he chose to accept terms, you choose to argue a point over and over on this thread. if it affects your club so bad, he shouldn't have been left for dead. bruce you should think of relocating lol. ashboo :*
Yeah, you have some points there. But our club is only very small. I'm the 2nd biggest member in there as they had quite a few Lcbc in that club. I didn't join also because I didn't have anything against them, Also i wasn't gonna be dropping stats or not building tb for a month that's completely crazy. And I had a lot of cash out prior to that time but anyways haha, I don't really care anyways. ️ If you wanna talk pm me I kinda hate forums ?
PhineasCage is right bro, no one can make me drop stats or change the way I play. Fight em back, keep heat on em. Club members should always have your back unless its blatantly obvious you deserve it, but even then they should still help
i agree with evan, being left for dead sucks. Call him a sissy, but i can bet you all would do the same. Lol Evan :* :*
I can see how much you care about your club they clearly arnt family to you if your not gonna help cuz you don't wanna loose money.
Okay so suddenly I'm the bad one for not helping ? I'm sorry but I was sleeping half the time and real life is more important and again this is a game