Dear PMW (Apology)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -TDA_lMrAmaze, Dec 29, 2013.

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  1. 

    Sorry but Foot's comment was funny
  2. You're not allowed to ug ?? ... I feel horrible , they made you look like a bitch .
  3. Bhahahahahahahaha foot!
  4. O n Russ... just wanted him to c it .. not rude @ all we r actually in pm right now lol :)
  5. Your status still has him as a target and says he's gonna reset...what made you be so gracious and "allow" him to only drop to 750...quite a compassionate group

    Bruce wtf...don't let em bully you bro?
  6. Wow not aloud to ug ._. Hmm how pathetic I must say
  7. PMW OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!!!!
  8. An apology thread? And drop stat? Also. Footy
  9. Sad just plain sad
  10. omg im dying. PMW is fucking great for this lmfao. High-five Renee, i got bored with him after about 5 hours of farming lol
  11. Aww

    *hugs op*

    *cries a little*


    Very good :roll:
  12. Wow.. they made you look like a complete bitch
  13. ^ your goin to get that alot OP :roll:
  14. Pussy bitch ass mother fucker 
  15. @madpro
    Did you skip the rice crispies this morning? :eek:
  16. Sillyrabbit go eat shit
  17. Nice thread go pmw. Show him whose in charge but good job Bruce for making the thread and trying to make things right.
  18. r u mad broooo rar i wud tell them to go f themselves about drop stats bruv dont be such a bitch
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