Dear pimd_community: We want easter hunt!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-Qym_Ha-aha-a_Akahai_Olu-_-, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. JennBunn you must love hunts! You completed all of them! Congratz for your devotion for hunts! Nice valentine avatar by the way!
  2.  I don't go out of my way to complete  but thank yoooou ️
  3. Open minded logical people? Are you ******* kidding right now? I sure as hell hope so because you just keep making yourself look more and more of a dumb ***** in every post you make. Please take your own advice, don't like it? QUIT. Can't handle opinions on the forum? Get the **** off it then! You dumb ass, you do realize that if ATA puts out another hunt, that means they won't do a beta war, since they won't run them both at the same time. That is why many don't want a stupid ass hunt. You do, good for you, but don't start crying like a ***** over our opinions because they are different from yours.
  4. ^very well said
  5. Congrats John on being one of the biggest losers on Pimd to hit almost 14,000 jobs. We are so proud of you!!! Since you can't take the heat, and only know how to sp like a little *****, we have nothing but faith that you will hit 15,000 soon. We will congratulate you then too!!!
  6. ?For the love of my dorm noooooooo
  7. I was one of the people that wanted another hunt right after the very time-consuming (because of my stats) Valentine's hunt. Stressful, but it was my first. Then they came out with another hunt. I felt pretty good about that one, liked the avis.

    Then the bikini hunt– I didn't try. Doing two was enough for me. You'll get over it after a while.

    I only liked the Valentine's and Mardi Gras because of the rewards.
  8. The Jenni has spoken! Very well said. 
  9.  who is John Italiana?
  10. ?Emoji does not Sponsor this thread?
  11. He knows who he is, that is all that matters. 
  12. Actually there was some chick with 35k jobs completed. ?
  13. Lol playmates...the hurt is real.
  14. One guy, the sole focus of an entire club. Aaaaaand I'm out.
  15. It's so cute that you're that butthurt yet blaming playmates for it. Who is the one that made a whole club wall dedicated to our wonderful members? Don't forget changing avatars as well as status's everyday. You're not our main focus. Want to know why? Well I'll tell you anyway..... You can't be our main focus when you cry like a little ***** and sp all day long. When you can grow some balls and not sp, then you can speak. Until then go back to the only thing you're good and hit 15k jobs so we can congratulate.