Date, Marry, or .... well you no.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *dangbro (01), Aug 3, 2011.

  1. My face hurts now..
  2. No comment but slap
  3. ... She didn't shoot the gun tho
  4. Ha! Take that A! Hugs
  5.  throws at  face
  6. Throws camel at auburn then sicks rabid penguins on her
  7. Hello. Glomps
  8. Lukeyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
  9. Haha -hops a fence and runs away-
  10. Slaps dalfi- that's fir throwing a door at me 
  11. Kills delfi with pinky that's for staging me!!!
  12. Oh, yeah! Let's all gang up on Delfi and kill her! Throws exploding pigeons at 
  13. Slap leave her alone