Dark-Wood Manor RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iDontLikePeople2, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Noah
    *Keeps his head buried in his graphic novel*
  2. Evie: Texts her sister before they get there 'On way there, no phone reception at the house, see you in the morning! x'

    The Cars Have Pulled Away And Are Leaving The Small Village. You Go On Twisty Roads And Eventually Come To A Spooky Looking Mansion.

  3. Noah
    *Stares out of the car window lost in his thoughts, until he realises they have arrived.*
  4. Evie: Gets out of the car and goes in with everybody else and the butler.
    Butler: "This is the drawing room, there is the buffet table. We hope you enjoy your stay at Dark-Wood Manor."
  5. Mrs Brown: "Goodnight and good luck!" She locks the doors and walks out of the house.*

    *This is a key piece of information for the following events in the role-play.
  6. Noah
    *Trudges inside*
  7. Evie: Sitting in the drawing room on her suitcase. "So..."
  8. Blaire: *walks to the buffet table, taking two of everything, piling her plate up, and laughs evilly, sits on a chair near the fireplace and chows down*
  9. Jesse: -quickly walks over to the coffee and fills a mug-
  10. Noah
    *Sits hudled up in his corner with his graphic novel resting on his lap*
  11. Evie: "It's so cold!" Grabs a coffee to warm her up and sits on a chair by the fire.
  12. Jesse: -sits down on the opposite side of Evie and pulls out his book, "Romeo and Juliet"-
  13. Noah
    *Quietly gets out of his chair and takes his laptop out of his laptop bag. Slides back into his chair and looks through the huge list of films, eventually he chooses the film 'Loving Memory.' *

    Ehh... Would anyone like to watch a film with me?
  14. Evie: "Nice book, I see you have good taste!"
  15. Jesse: -looks up and smiles slightly- It's my absolute favorite
  16. Evie: Smiles back "I've read it so many times,"
  17. Noah
    *Shrugs it off. Pulls his knees up to his chest and embraces them whilst watching the start of the film quietly.*
  18. Jesse: I've read it twice a year since I was 13
  19. Evie: "Wow, I only started reading it as my GCSE book and really got into it!"
  20. Jesse: I'm the only guy I've ever met that actually likes it