Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 8, 2021.

  1. The XC’s are back. The avi’s are cute and all that. But what worries me is doing the 106 days for the coins but only getting 1 out of it all. I mean, is it possible there could be somewhere we can get more xc coins to get ay least of them. Maybe add more days? Add more story? Add more activity? Maybe we can get it in molly’s deals. Idk. I just like them all. Sent a ticket to ata about this. But anyone who has same thoughts?

  2. At least make it so we can get both the 55 and 75 avis be better ATA
  4. I've hit like 400 points everyday for the last 4 or 5 days. 240 points isn't that difficult to get tbh. Like you said 13 parties and a few timer boxes/spins.
    I've gotten 4-650 points daily since Xc returned. It's not impossibile to get 240 per day. Like you said 13 parties and a few timer boxes/ spinners and boom done. In all honesty I've completed it in around 12 hours every day. It's literally one party per hour. Hop on, Unload and Hop off.

    I understand the argument about the longer parties, but there's LBH, timer boxes ( Use some of those 6k speed up boxes ive seen people with) spinner, pet upgrades,furni upgrades and more to get it. Book a flash or a CC!
    Also the top avi is 75 coins but you have 106 possible coins. It's okay if you miss the mark for 31 days because you have room for error. I don't think you'll have trouble in the long run completing 75 coins!
    Intoxication, Phobia and Muschi like this.
  5. Don’t mean to be rude or anything, but this is coming from someone who is in a ec club that completes parties sub 1 hour. (the # of parties you guys finish in a day exceeds that of a potd club, 10 fold) Whereas it can take clubs 0-5 hours to complete a potd, depending on which party it is, what time it is, and the club. Lbhs, are a reasonable point no doubt about it. But for the longer, more harder potds, clubs will and do get picky about the lbh that come.

    Timer boxes take forever, and not everyone has 6k speed up boxes and usually anything good from those boxes are used pretty fast. Pet upgrades suck, especially when you are at the point when you need specific items that just aren’t dropping. People only have so much furni that they can upgrade and that’s if they even have enough resources for that, so again unreliable. And flash and ec clubs are nice, but u gotta have the payment sooooooooooo…..

    I’m not trying to discredit u or anything. Your experience is your experience and I’m sure that a whole bunch of people can compete the daily no sweat. But for me I’m busy at work for 8 hours, asleep from 10pm - 5am, and then back to work from 7am -4pm.

    Theoretically that nets me about 8 hours to try to complete daily xc. Realistically, I’d say around 4-6 hours to complete it. I’m not gonna be focused on playing a game during my lunch (-1 hour), when I’m driving(-30mins), when I’m showering (-30mins to 1 hour) or when I’m spending time with my S/O (-30 to 1 hour). But I’ve found my ways around it by saving spins (even tho it only gives you five points per spin🤣) and saving boxes til after changeover. And going to flashes because I have the bentos to do that.

    At the end of the day I don’t think this daily xc is bad… I mean it’s helped me become more active in this game because that 55 coin male avi will be mine, but it definitely could use some fine-tuning. Maybe drop the requirements done to 210 and see how that works out. And the fact that we can’t get all 4 Avis sucks too but that is towards the bottom of this barrel.

    now time to go crawl back to whatever hole I came out of…. Bye forums, don’t drag me through the mud too much 💕🥺👋
  6. Sooo... what happened to the daily xc or whatever when it came to rating dorms? 🤨
  7. That was only ever a temporary XC where you got points for liking dorms. It might return at some point who knows
    MayaTheHopeful, -Gon- and Muschi like this.
  8. Ah okay. I think they could have added that to daily xc. For example, rating x amount of dorms to get +1 point. This looks so limited to the point you'll want ec to speed up timer boxes, pets, buy keys, etc. to earn 1 avi coin throughout the day. 😕
    MayaTheHopeful and -Gon- like this.
  9. Awww noooo i didn't take offense to your comment at all. I appreciate the points you've made. Ahem butttt i wasn't in a cat club from the beginning. I was still managing 300 or more per day. My home club tends to complete potd pretty quickly. I'm sorry that you're busy to the point that you can't seem to find time to participate. I get that 1000%! But at the end of the day, the Xc was meant more for new players as an incentive to be active, or for players who have adequate time to participate. Again though, even if you can't afford to book a cc there's plenty of options!
  10. True!!
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  11. Please add more ways to collect XC Coins to get more than 1 avi. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE!!! 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
  12. Okay, but what do we do if we don’t necessarily like the Avis? 🤔 Do we get something else in exchange of those coins instead of having all of them going to waste? 🤔 or maybe be able to use them somewhere else
    MayaTheHopeful, Providence and Kawaia like this.
  13. You're right, it's far from impossible to get the points. My problem, as mentioned, is the threshold. The bigger problem comes from the side activities being fine for "making up the difference", not for "You should consider yourself forced to use up your saved resources even if you don't want to." This comes under the latter with the vastly increased threshold.
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  14. 🤭🤭🤭 thanks guys!
    GraceThompson26 likes this.
  15. Monthly spinner box for 10xc
  16. Haven't opened one.. is it just the spinner items? This month the doll?
  17. I mean for 10 daily xc coins monthly box is available and also 2 more monthly first tier avatars are added🃏
    All the bes
  18. Is there any chance we could get something for 1 XC coin? Or will it simply be impossible to "zero out" the coin count?
  19. Running until nov 25 but why does the daily xc avi shop say 29 days left?? Does that mean nov 25 is the last day to earn avi coins?! The timer in shop is really misleading and unfair :/
  20. it could be referring to the Nov set of avis and timer box you can buy with the coins, not the daily xc coin avis.
    MayaTheHopeful and Muschi like this.