Shelby does a back roll and grabs a knife. Eric runs at her and she punches him square in the jaw the hokey mask he was wearing flys through the air. He kicks her and she flys backward and hits the ground the mask next to her face. She looks up and sees Allyson watching from the stairs. Shelby grabs the mask and puts it on and then throws the knife into Eric's stomach. She runs up the stairs and picks up allyson and runs to her room. "mommy whats going on?" Allyson asks scared. "its ok honey mommy is a super Hero like the ones from those comics you read. that's why I'm wearing this mask and sometimes super Heros have to kill bad people. That's what I have to do now Allyson do you understand Allyson." Shelby tries to explain she hears Eric coming up the stairs. "yes mommy I understand sometimes Heros have to kill bad people." Allyson repeats to her mother Shelby finds a knife in her closet "Allyson mommy is going to go fight the bad man stay here no matter what you hear." she says quickly "yes mommy I promise" Shelby runs into the hallway. Allyson sits in the room waiting she hears her mother scream. So Allyson runs to the door and peaks out she sees her mother with a knife in her shoulder. Shelby stand Eric in the neck and kicks him down the stairs. Eric hits the bottom of the stairs instantly dead. Shelby sees Allyson. She turns to walk to her daughter but falls over in pain. Allyson crawls over and hugs her mother. "Allyson real soon mommy's going to go away for a while ok can you promise me you'll be good for mommy while she's gone." Shelby says bleeding out quickly. "but mommy I don't want you to go please stay with please." Allyson begs. "I can't sweaty please just promise.." Shelby falls over dead her eyes dead and her skin cold. Allyson starts crying and she shakes her mothers dead body. "ok I promise mommy I promise just wake up please. MOMMY!! wake up please." Allyson crys into her mothers chest. One week later Allyson sits at her desk in an orphanage she writes in her diary. Dear diary, Today some boys hurt me with a needle they were laughing like they thought it was funny. When they did it I thought my mother had forsaken me but a few minuets ago I found an old hokey mask. I'm going to be a hero just like she was. Wether I succeed or fail this is my last diary entry. Police report It's been one week since the death of Allyson Adams mother. And now she's the prime suspect in the death of three young boys. They lived at the same orphanage she did. Unfortanitaly we have no outstanding evidence except for an old hokey mask we found at the seen of the crime.
It has nothing to do with the apple Shelby told a five year old it's ok to kill bad people the reinforced that by killing a bad person at which point Shelby dies with out ever being able to truly fix her daughter or give her a true sense of good and evil.
You should continue with Allyson's story I want to know what happens after the police report was made
Awesome story! Great ending but you should make a sequel for sure. I never could have predicted the outcome! I have one thing though, all through you spelt Hockey wrong All in all great story! ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟
I personally am surprised that a 'story' like this has gotten this far. I won't even begin to criticize it, since I don't want a shit load of people to bitch to me on being 'harsh'. Eh. Just saying. :|