Cyber Monday Spectacular

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. Gives us 50% off dorms  if not I'll never rebc 
  2. We don't have anything along those lines planned at the moment.
  3. My dreams of half priced dorms are crushed
  4. Ata :(((((( whyyyy
  5. Hmmm :roll:
  6. They did it last year so people thought it could happen again.
  7. Lame! Made me waste 5 dns to do a flash kitty before the clock struck 1 min past. Grrrrr.
  8. 50% off my entire ec purchase pls
  9. I would appreciate it if you keep it to no plans for 50% off :)
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  10. so original seem like they never did 50% of 5x stuff before
  11. Lame
  13. How do I post gifs?
  15. Its getting Messy
  16. Lies! Surely it's going to be a surprise after we all go and dump however many trillions we have into our dorms. ?
  17. To clarify, we do not have plans for half off dorms or dormmates, period.
  18. pimd_c chill man
  19. Love the gift bombs. Hate the drops for the buyers. If we're the ones paying for it shouldn't we have a higher chance of getting good items? Spent a good amount of money on Lone Socks & Speakers :(