There's a difference between bullying and cyber bullying. Bullying at school would be handled by an adult. Get your classes changed if you don't want to see them or tell an adult once things get physical. I have a few friends who had bullies get in trouble for simply verbal abuse though.
Yes, except that's a load of crap for some. I had two high schools, bullied in both. Teachers did nothing. Few detentions, a tap on the wrists that's it. My parents seen both of the headmistress/masters plenty of times and not a thing was done. So no, in today's society, sometimes that doesn't work. -
Okay say it gets handled by adults is bull shit. My deans definition of handling bullying is to talk to them. There is no disciplinary action. Can my schedule be changed? Not once the semester begins. And have you really not heard that words hurt more than punches?
Then you need to stand up for yourself. Even the movie said you can't give bullies the satisfaction. If you're not able to defend yourself and your teachers and principles don't care report the school. Say you feel unsafe. (that's what one if my friends did by the way). You should feel safe in your school and the police will enforce that. Or even a big mouthed friend or parent that can set some people straight. If you can't handle it you can go to school at home or online. I suppose this would be like blocking. You can just avoid the issue.
I don't avoid things. And clearly you haven't suffered severe bullying. Stand up for yourself can't happen when you get threatened and the bullying is worsened when you do. I did a number of times and that's exactly what happened, you can try to stand up for yourself that doesn't mean it will solve all your problems. There was a girl in my school 'stood up for herself'. They tricked her to coming out of her house with a friend who then led her to where they were and where she then got beaten to such a bad condition that she was put into hospital for two weeks. So that doesn't work either. People don't understand until they've been through it, they say they do, they haven't a clue. -
They should of told authorities rather than meeting up with the girl. You can't avoid bullying and you can't stop it but you can make it so the bullies don't look at you as a weak target. All you have to do is make it clear you're not playing their little games and they'll back off. You can start at the avoiding and work your way up to reporting.
It was like going over to your best friends house for dinner or to hang out, geez. You don't expect it!
Okay, so let's say verbally bullying. Where evidence? What's going to make the authorities look at you twice? I'm glad you think it's so easy to get rid of bullies. Try speaking to some of the kids that go home in tears everyday. -
gosh Rose you speak the truth. Its awful, and just one of those big issues and dilemmas in the world.
Well it depends on what type of verbal. If it was name calling the best bet would be to ignore and not let then get to you. If you don't react, theyll stop. If it is threats the police will take it seriously.
No, but what movie was it? I wanna see. Because I have experienced cyber bullying once or twice in my life.