Cute Couple Names

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by NotHere, May 18, 2019.

  1. Politely lock this thread my sweet mods.
  2. I had an rs named SashaGrey :’) I miss her ):
    And one of my rs was named Mac and I was named Cheese
    And then I was Pariah at one point with my rs Outkast
    And my alts were rs named DerekShepherd and MeredithGrey
    And OwenHunt and CristinaYang
    I think das it
  3. We call each other Peaches. It goes with the club and her ign. Plus it's cute and we like it.
  4. Wait no there was also
    SerenaVanDerWoodsen and DanHumphrey
    And then SerenaVanDerWoodsen and BlairWaldorf after I broke rs with Dan
    And KimPossible and RonStoppable
    And CookinUpDopeInTheCrockpot and ChoppinUpDopeWithAnUzi
  5. Wow. Im surprised you rmb all your names. Its cute. Thanks?
    MiaKhalifa likes this.
  6. Me & My rs have cute names idunno if you wanna consider them matching, I guess a lonely 40yr old woman would 
  7. Our names aren't matching, they're our actual rl nicknames, but we have all our home connection settings named "Manic Trash" and it makes me giggle every time I connect to something. I wonder what our neighbours think when it comes up on their wifi. :lol:
  8. My ign Muschi means pússy in German.
    My RS's ign Schwanz means dıck in German.

  9. Who’s nickname is trash
  10. I mean, manic has no better connotation. I have bipolar disorder and manic episodes suck.
  11. I don't have rs ? im looking for it HELP ME!
  12. My first rs (ex now) and i paired names tbh from starters master and mistress and our nicks lol minx knows from our home club if you've noticed who☻
  13. What is a manic episode like, out of curiosity?
  14. for me, personally:
    • everything feels fast
    • extreme motivation + energy
    • grandiose thoughts
    • a depressive episode immediately follows and physically it sort of resembles a caffeine crash??? if that makes sense
    these are the big things. it used to be a lot more pronounced when i didn't take medication.

    i'm on meds now and still get symptoms but they're to a lesser extent (for both manic and depressive episodes) where i can deal w/ em with coping mechanisms i got in therapy
  15. Trashieee. Dunno if you know Aussie slang. But it makes sense here. ??‍♀️
  16. I have Bipolar also (type 1). I play roller derby and my officiating/reffing name is "Madam Manic." My name was my way of taking the the out of myself, reclaiming the word after an abusive ex used my mental health against me, owning my You gotta be able to laugh at your own misfortune sometimes, turn a negative into a positive. I did mine with a nickname, and it works for me. Little things. ?
  17. ^ Yeah, I figured you experienced mania somehow and that's why you had it as your IGN. You don't seem like the type that would toss around mental health terminology as though they were jokes, if that makes sense (if it doesn't, don't worry because it's supposed to be a compliment).
  18. Interesting. Ty for sharing
  19. I don’t cause everyone hates me
    But this couple in my club have names “Fort” and “Nite”
  20. Experience is putting it lightly. :lol: I'm a mental wellness advocate irl. One of my pet peeves is when people throw around mental health terminology as a descriptive word, or think it's "cute." You know the type... girls saying they're bipolar just because they're moody, saying they're OCD just because they're fussy etc. I mean, it doesn't affect me personally, but I know it hurts some, and can actually make mental illness seem like a non-issue, which is why I discourage it. I'm protective. :lol: But yeah, my nickname is my reclaim. Kind of like calling myself queer, or a If I use it myself, nobody can use it to hurt me, you know? This got deep real fast. Ima bounce before I have to forum ban myself, and lock for derailing. :lol: