Cute Couple Names

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by NotHere, May 18, 2019.

  1. That's right, let me have my moment
  2. Why? Do i know you or her?
  3. I like that u deleted your quoting mistake only to make another one
  4. Oh, and then?
  5. And then you go back to lurking
  6. Oh but why would i lurk though? This is my thread.
  7. Woah! Is it really?
  8. Yes. Are you trying to be butthurt? Bcuz its not working?
  9. I don't think you know what that term means
  10. No they don’t and it makes me sad
  11. ? you guys are funny and failing so badly.
  12. Imagine being this confused :roll:
  13. Now this is where you would use the term “butthurt.”
  14. No. Not really.
  15. just go back to lurking
  16. Why dont you do that instead?
  17. No. If you don’t know how to properly use the term butthurt then you shouldn’t use it in the first place. I’m saving you from future embarrassment.
  18. Are you triggerred? ?
  19. Wrong use of another word :(