Customer Service

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, May 11, 2019.

  1. Why'd she throw things out of curiosity? tbh i wish that chick woulda thrown something at me, i would have a great time suing her
  2. I'm glad you quit that job. Day one should not be stressful like that
  3. I know ? She came back in later after the holidays to complain about me too.

    When I was 16, I worked at a baby clothing store. Memorial Day weekend is busy there because it is in an outlet mall. I was hosting the sidewalk sale. This pregnant lady's belly looked off and, as I examined it I could see a bodysuit hanging out of it of the crack between her actual stomach and the fake stomach she had crafted to steal. "These shorts would look so cute with that onesie!" I said, pointing to it, hoping she would take it out and play dumb, returning the clothes. She didn't. She pushed me into the railing behind me and bolted. I had to get stitches because the fencing was decorative and had edges all over and she got caught by the police I guess the security guard we had informed got in contact with on the highway like 15 minutes later.
  5. That wasn't the threads intention but ig ppl have been sharing those, too, so ig we shall.

    And OML what the actual fùck. That is elaborate and she even failed to conceal it. I hope healing didn't take too long :c
  6. Myth busted, I thought Canadians were always nice
  7. I feel like that myth was already busted just by observing me and rose :0
  8. Both of you 2 are sweet. You might be opinionated, but not mean.
  9. I work in customer service as a supervisor and all I have to say is it may be unacceptable for how they treated you but sometimes the customer isnt always right ?
  10. In my field the customer is never right :lol: Lmao
  11. I have worked in customer service as well. I am aware the customer is not always right but I was right today and some people should just never work in the service industry
  12. If you're curious about the specifics of the situation, she was mostly just rude, but. I bought a defective phone charger and brought it back two days later to return it. She refused just because she could (even tho 1. It was sold to me broken and 2. They have a 30 day return policy) and then i asked to speak to the manager and they immediately took my side. So.
  13. I'll always take your side. ?
  14. ?
  15. - be me.
    - have an antique heirloom necklace.

    - OH SHIT. The pearl came off!

    - go to the same jeweler I always go to.
    - decide on putting a new ornament on the end instead of the heart and pearl so I don't lose the pearl.
    - "the new ornament will be in next week. Just bring the necklace by when you come so we can put it on for you, complimentary."

    - next week
    - unfamiliar face behind the counter.

    Me; Zdravo! Hello!
    Employee; Hi.
    M; How are you today?
    E; Bad. What do you want?
    M; Oh, sorry to hear that. I'm [name], here about the [ornament] for my necklace.
    E; Fine.

    The rest of this is him arguing with me over smelting the new ornament onto my necklace, which I stated over and over to not do, and him being upset I wouldn't.
    Me stating I did not want three chainlinks, especially since all of them were different sizes and looked weird to wear. He huffed and made a big fuss over it. But eventually did the one link like I had requested originally.

    E; *puts ornament on backwards and passed it back to me*
    M; oh, it appears to be backwards.
    E; How the fuck is that possible. You did it wrong?

    *Husband on the phone in my ear hearing all of this laughing his ass off and mocking every word the dude says*

    M; No.. I'm pretty sure it's --
    E; backwards. Yeah. I see it. *fixes it*
    E; Where the fuck did you even have this necklace bought from? They put the clasp on the wrong way, that's why I put it on backwards. It was done wrong.

    *This jewellery shop had fixed the clasp and put on new ones a month prior. It's even in my history with them.*

    M; oh, it's just an old necklace. The jeweler was nice (trying to play it easy.)

    E; well, they're a dumbass who can't put on a simple clasp. Don't go back to them.

    Such a shame. I used them for everything before this.
  16. Are you a prison guard?
  17. :/ i would complain to higher ups.
  18. It's a very small but popular family owned jewellery shop that has been around for over 70 years.

    He is apparently the grandson, or so a local told me, and apparently he's always like that and I had just been fortunate enough to have always missed him until then, so I didn't ever press the matter. We all have bad days, he told me the moment I walked in what kind of mood he was in. Lol  I'll just go elsewhere.
  19. Gotcha
  20. May you all have your efforts pay off working in this industry :cry: