Cures for a Cold?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FallenAngel12321, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Eat chicken soup!!
  2. Hmm don't remember when I last got sick.

    Either way

    Kick ass,
  3. I'm sick too it sucks 
  4. NO NEED to thank ME And MY genius level INTELLECT.
  5. Soup and water.

    They are Faboolous!
  6. try a teaspoon of castor oil with hot tea or coffee. it'll cleanse all the cold out of you.

    you can also try a hot tody-lemons, peppermint or honey, and some cheap whiskey mixed together and hot. it'll open you up too
  7. Panadol lol works for me
  8. See a doctor,.take plenty of fluids and rest of course.n0 m0re gadgets
  9. Everybody got sick wen we ddnt take good care of ourselves..
  10. Gargling salt water helps a sore throat. Eating raw garlic helps fight colds off, Im not sure how but it has worked for me. I find just wrapping up warm after a bath and eating something hot works. I try anything nd everything when I have a cold, if you can't tell lol
  11. Thanks everyone I'll be trying some of those