Cupid's Chocolate Villa

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -ShanaAlanaTheNerd-, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Update this!!! It's too exciting
  2. Bump shanabanana!!<3
  3. Okay, Cherry:

    1) What the fuck goes through your head?

    2) You're right; chocolate practically is her lifeblood.

    3) You weren't far off on what Jason does.

    4) I stalk your stories too. ^.^

    And to you all:

    I will update tomorrow. I am so working on it! I'm as excited as you are about this story! Maybe even more.

    ~Shana Alana
  4. U better be shanabanana
  5. I am awful at keeping up stories...
    Current excuse: I'm terribly ill and my family are occupying my time....
    Thank you for stalking!

    My mind is not in great health, I'll be honest. 
  6. Jason kissed her !! Bump :)
  7. Update please. 
  8. I am so close to updating! I just have to finish the next page. ^.^ It'll come right when I finish! Stay calm, lovies, I'm working!
  9. THis Is "Fantastique" Just Used a French Quote
  10. I finished! And I want to thank you all for the comments and the motivation! And here is the update. Lots of dialog again.
    Chapter 15

    Jason kisses my forehead, his soft lips pressed against my skin. Justin used to do this all the time. My eyes flutter shut and when I do, Jason kisses my closed eyelids. It's a delicate touch of his lips grazing my eyelids. His lips move to my nose and I swear, my heart stops at the actions. My heart can't have stopped. I don't love him like that. At the thought of us being more, I feel my face heat up and I open my eyes. He still has my face cupped in his hands.

    "Why did you do that?" I whisper. I see Jason's face turn a light pink before he drops his hands. His lips left my forehead, eyes, and nose warm. His absent hands make my face feel cold. No way. I cannot be falling for Jason. I mean, yeah, step siblings fall in love sometimes, but I can't. I'm not yet over Justin either.

    "My dad did that to my mom when she was upset. You know, before she left," he says. His mother left the family years ago. When he was about Marcus' age, Jason's mother was caught cheating. They got in a huge fight and she up and left. Jason told me he was devastated.

    "Are in love with me or something?" I ask. He gives me a light laugh.

    "No. Even if we weren't going to become step siblings, I wouldn't," he says. "No offence."

    "Elaborate. Then we'll see if I take offence," I say.

    "You and I are so alike. We have the same attitude, we love dying our hair, which you need to do by the way, and we have the same taste in music. Hell, until I met Carrie, a preppy blonde friend was the only thing missing. You and I can't be anything more for that reason. We'd get bored. I like someone that gives me a little challenge; one that will argue sometimes. You get what I'm saying?"

    "I hear you. None taken," I smile. He grins pushes a piece of hair out of my face; he places it behind my ear. My heart flutters at the action. Justin did this every time he kissed me.

    "You're pretty when you smile. You should do that more often," he grins. He gets off of the bed; he quickly hugs me and kisses the top of my head, then he leaves the room. Best brother, ever.


    I wake with a small scream. God, I had the worst dream ever!

    It was like Courtney told me; I was making my deal with Jason. We spit on it and he left. I went to change. That pretty white shirt stood out as did my fedora. The skirt fit tightly and my shoes were perfect. I looked like a super model. The only thing that was different was my hair; it was the natural strawberry blonde instead of the neon yellow.

    I walked out of the bathroom and there was Ryan. He did what he had, what? A month ago? When he kissed me, I didn't know what to know. Instead of moving or struggling, I did the scariest thing possible: I kissed him back. I don't know how it felt; everything seemed to zip by too fast. When Justin saw us, I had shrugged and continued to kiss him. When Ryan's tongue traced my lips, that's when I woke up.

    Scary shit.

    I sit in my bed and think. Did that happen and did I lie to Courtney and everyone? I swear, something's not right about that dream. No, I can't think about it. If I do, I'll cry. And I just can't cry anymore. Justin's gone and I just have to face it.

    I take my phone and I see 12:42• on the screen. I turn on the television with the thought that I'm just going to stay in bed all day. I flip through the channels an when my phone rings, playing Carrie's ringtone, I think about ignoring her. No, I can't.

    "Hey, Carrie, how's it hanging?" I ask when I answer.

    "I'm with Justin! Do you want to talk to him! He thinks it's the other J of the family," she says. I frown and think.

    "I don't really care. If he wants to talk to me, let him speak. If he doesn't want to, then oh well," I reply and mute my television.

    "Who is this and what have you done with my BFF?" I hear her ask and I roll my eyes.

    "I just don't care. Jason made me better this morning," I say, frowning.

    "What did he do?" she asks.

    "He kissed me on-"

    "Jason did what now?!" she screeches. I sigh and I want to punch her. Jeez oh Pete, what is up with her?

    "You heard me. Now, as I was saying, he kissed me on-"

    "No! Don't give me any details!" she squeaks. "Justin, here, talk to her. I need to find Jason," she says and I hear Justin argue with her. I can't blame him. He hates me so, yeah.

    "I'm hanging up, whoever is on the phone. If your Justin, tell Carrie I'll talk to her later," I say with a frown. I hear someone try to reply but I end the call. I call Jason and he answers on the first ring.

    "Hey Jenny June, what's up?" he says. His voice is pleasant and it makes me smile.

    "Carrie is going to kill you. She thinks you're in love with me. I suggest disappearing," I say. I hear his sigh from the other end.

    "I'll do just that. I'm coming home okay?" he says. I tell him I'll see him here and I hang up. I grumble and think about getting dressed. Hell, Jason's seen me in my worst state, and that was in the hospital. I don't think it matters.

    Jason enters the house a few minutes later and I walk into the living room. He glares at me and I frown.

    "What?" I ask.

    "Why aren't you dressed?" he asks.

    "You've seen me at my worst. I figure it doesn't matter." He rolls his eyes and gives me a quick hug.

    "Did you sleep after we woke you or no?" he asks, holding me at arm's length.

    "Slept. Had a weird dream too. It was about the day I was in the car wreck. It was about what Ryan did. It was creepy," I say with a shudder. He frowns and stares at me intently. But he can't reply before the doorbell rings.

    "Carrie," we say in unison.

    "I'll be in my room. If she needs me, keep her out," I say with a wave. I walk into the hallway and sit by the wall. I'm ready to eavesdrop.

    "Hey, Carrie, what's up?" Jason asks.

    "Don't 'hey' me! You kissed Jenny! How could you?" she screams. I don't need to be in the hall way if she's going to scream.

    "I did but you don't get it, Carrie," he says, a frown in his voice.

    "Yes I do! You are in love with her! How? Tell me how!"

    "I'm not in love with her, okay! I see her as a little sister! She's so fragile and upset; all I want to see is her happiness. If she isn't happy, then I failed. But Carrie, this little girl had her heart broken and I am helping her pick up the pieces. And it starts with family love," Jason says, causing me to break into a smile. This is why I love him as if he's really my brother.

    "Then why did you kiss her?" Carrie asks.

    "She needed cheering up. I even asked her if she'd get mad and she said no. So, I kissed her forehead, her eyes, and her nose, like Dad did to Mom when I was little. You know, without the kiss on the lips," he says. I'm grinning like an idiot. I stand and I look into the living room. His back is turned so I run up and hug him. I practically tackle the boy and I can't believe I didn't shove him over.

    "You, my dear Jason, are the best brother ever," I smile.
    Not much, but it's something! Kinda couldn't think about this. I'm thinking about the future ending and Marcy's story.

    No quote again.

    Love ya, lovies.

    ~Shana Alana
  11. That Was Okay I Guess.... Just Don't Like The Thought Of In-Bred.... ehhhhh Keep it up
  12. Finally shanabanana join my club again
    And bumpppp
  14. Hey! It's the weekend! That means lots of updates! Whoop-whoop!
  15. Shanabanana 
  16. Woo-hoo! Update! Not my best work, but I'm thinking about the third book already. It involves baby Josh. He's gonna be a baker. With blonde hair and blue eyes. Sound familiar?  Had no idea that it sounded like Peeta until this morning.  Well, without further ado, the update!
    Chapter 16

    After Carrie's confrontation, everything has been kept simple. It's been about two months. I've gotten another job, but I'm still firmly holding my ground about not going back to the chocolate shop. It'll be too awkward if I see Justin and the family knows it for a fact.

    "Mr. Spelding!" I call to my boss. Mr. Spelding is the owner of the diner on the other side of town where I'll probably and hopefully never see Justin. Mr. Spelding used to be an English teacher and his favorite thing about the job was the spelling. They called him Mr. Spelling rather than Mr. Spelding, hence his love for spelling.

    "Yes, Jenny?" I hear him call back.

    "Call for you!" I answer. I hear him take the call on his line and I hang up my line. I smooth the outfit I am to wear. Since I'm a female, I am to wear a light pink shirt and skirt, ew, and a light purple apron. Eh, I like purple, but not the light shade. It's not like artic purple but a faded purple.

    I push a piece of gum in my mouth and frown. No chocolate on the job. Mr. Spelding made that clear. I pull my phone out of my apron pocket and sigh. I have the late shift and honestly, it's quite boring. Not many people want to have dinner in a diner. It's very cheap, sure, but it isn't very good.

    I hear the bell ring at the door and I put the phone back in the pocket and see a boy around my age sitting at a booth in my section. I grab my notepad and pencil and walk slowly to the booth. I'm not thrilled about this job. I hate taking orders for terrible food and getting paid minimum wage.

    I put on a fake smile I've come to know perfectly. I walk towards the boy with black hair. I don't think he's Justin. Why would Justin come all the way over here just to eat? And that this dump too? No way.

    I hear my phone ring and before I walk into his view, I answer the phone.

    "Jenny here," I say, propping the phone into the place between my shoulder and cheek.

    "Jenny," I hear on the other line. "Courtney wants you to come home fast." It's Marcy. She's started to call our mother Courtney like I do. She doesn't trust her anymore. I can't blame the little squirt.

    "Hey, kiddo. What for?" I ask, grinning.

    "I can't say. It's wedding stuff," she replies. "I'll see you soon, Sissy."

    "I'll see you, too, squirt. Love you," I smile.

    "Love you too, Jenny," she says and hangs up. I put my phone back into my apron and walk towards the boy. I look down at my notepad and begin my rehearsed line.

    "Hi, I'm your waitress. How may-" I freeze in the middle of my sentence. My words are caught in my throat. No way. This black hair grey eyed boy cannot be here.

    "Jenny, hey," Justin says casually. Memories flash through my mind. Our kisses and our first date; our hugs and his laugh; his love and everything between us flow through my brain. "I didn't know you worked here."

    I swallow my words and plaster the smile that's fallen off my face. "Hello, Justin. I didn't think you'd be here. It's so far from your house and from your work."

    "I decided to try the food. And Carrie told me I should come. I had no idea she wanted me to come here to see you," he grins. He's acting like nothing happened.

    "You and Carrie are friends?" I ask, trying to keep conversation rather than let him go so quickly.

    "Yeah. I didn't think you didn't know that," he frowns. I bite my lip and look around. I'm not the only person here, but I doubt anyone cares. I look and see Mr. Spelding's door still closed. I sit down across from him and take his hand. He flinches but doesn't pull back.

    "Look, Justin, I know we ended pretty badly and Carrie is trying to get us back together. But, Justin, I still love you. That doesn't me I think you should take that back. I was stupid to be left alone with that evil guy. I could have fought him off, I know it. But all I want to know is one thing: are you happy?"

    Justin looks at me with complete and utter shock. I can't believe I said that to him, but I mean it. Justin smiles but something in his eyes is clashing with his smile. "Jenny, yes. I am happy and I want you to be happy too. Maybe we could be friends?" Justin asks. I pull back my hand and shake my head.

    "I know it won't work. I still love you and nothing else can get between that. So, no; I'm sorry, Justin," I say as I stand. "So, um, what do you want to eat?"

    "Actually, I've lost my appetite," he says with a frown. Great; just fucking great!

    "Oh, okay. Goodbye, Justin," I say with a frown and tears in my eyes. I'd break down and cry, begging for him back if there wasn't my boss and a couple other teens that seem to be looking for some action.

    "Goodbye? What do you mean?" he asks with a frown. He stands and I frown right back at him.

    "I don't work at Cupid's Chocolate Villa anymore. I don't plan on it either. I won't be by there and I won't be near your house. The only time I'll see you again is in the crowd, as a strange," I say, tears blurring my vision. Justin reaches to wipe away my tears. Like the day I told him about my dad's death and I was crying he had been so sweet and just like this. I pull away and turn towards the counter.

    "Goodbye, Jenny," he whispers and walks off. He walks out of the shop, the ding of the bell signing that he's left. I close my eyes and force myself to relax. That was scary. I feel guilt. But I just can't get close to him or I'll just fall to his feet, begging for him to take me back. And I can't be weak. Even if I already am.


    "Courtney, I'm home!" I call and throw my bag on the floor. I walk into the dining room and find Courtney and Luke, holding hands and murmuring as they look over magazines for the wedding. "Courtney."

    "Oh, Jenny, I didn't hear you, honey," she smiles and I shrug. I sit next to her and Luke smiles at me.

    "Hey, jitterbug," Luke greets. I ignore him. I still don't like him, but I tolerate him. Not always do I listen to him, though, like when he calls me names like he's my father.

    "What'd you want to talk about?" I ask with a frown.

    "We have an announcement," she grins. "We have decided to move the wedding to the twentieth of January. We think that Valentine's Day would be too bad since what happened to you."

    "Great," I grin. She's right, but the glint in their eyes is suspicious. It's an evil, knowing glint. "Anything else?"

    "Yes, I need you to go to the dress shop and get your bridesmaid dress fit. Go tomorrow, okay?"

    "Alright. I'll go to the shop downtown," I say and stand.

    "Oh, honey, no. I mean near Cupid's Chocolate Villa. You know the one in Cupid's Village," she says and I frown.

    "No! I can't because, well, I saw Justin today and told him I'd never go there again! And if I see him then I know I'll collapse and cry! It took all my strength to not cry today when I saw him. He is happy. He is happy. It is too much for me to handle. Just, not there."

    "I'm sorry, but there's an appointment for you to go there." I whine at her final statement and walk out of the room. Why? Why is this life my life? Everything tragic or totally the opposite of what I say happens. I'm stepping foot in Cupid's Village. God, why did I have to be the stupid red head that does the absolute wrong things? Really, why?

    I walk into my room and fall onto my bed. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a text from Carrie.

    "[IWGonna b n CV 2morrow? Need 2 dress shop. - C[/i]" Thank God I'm not going to be alone.

    "Have an appointment for 2morrow. Meet me there @ 10 - J" I text back and grin happily. I'm not going to be alone, so now I have an excuse if I see Justin. I'll say Carrie dragged me there.

    Only if it was that easy.
    This chapter isn't my best, but not my worst. I cannot wait until the last two to three chapters. You guys will love them so freaking much!

    Again, no quote. Too lazy to find one.

    Love ya, lovies!

    ~Shana Alana

    P.S. Feedback!
  17. I really want her and Justin back together it makes me sad they aren't together bc I no how she feels
  18. Bump shanabanana
  19. NOOOOOOOOOOOWow... There goes my expectations! Really Good