Cupid's Chocolate Villa

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -ShanaAlanaTheNerd-, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. I know :( but can you please update soon the suspense is killing me
  2. Alright, here is a super short update. Practically no details, just a lot of drama and a cliffhanger at the end. Barely over 2 pages on Word.
    Chapter 12

    Ryan releases me and I shove the boy to the ground.

    "Justin, this is so not what it looks like," I say and pick up my white fedora and put it on. He shakes his head but he looks so damn handsome. He's wearing the black button-up I helped him buy, the first two buttons undone. His denim jeans are normal but his black dress shoes shine.

    "Justin, please, let me explain," I plead.

    "No. I saw what was going on," he says and walks away.

    "Justin," I call. I run out the door and into the night crowd. I push through the crowd and grab Justin's arm. "Justin, please, let me explain. It wasn't what it looked like."

    "Dammit, Jennifer, I don't see how it wasn't what it seemed. You two were kissing. If you're going to do that, then we're done," he says, causing my heart to break into a thousand pieces.

    "Justin, it will never happen again. Just please, don't go. Don't leave me," I sob. I didn't realize I was crying. This is how much I love him. I am begging for his love and he is just staring at me with those cold eyes.

    "I know it won't. Because we are not together anymore," he says coldly. He pulls his arm out of my hands and walks away. I want to break down and cry, but not here. I walk back to the shop and Ryan is grinning like a madman.

    "Get out. You're fired," I say in a choked voice. I walk into the back and grab my purse.

    "Why? Just because your precious boyfriend broke up with you?" he asks in a baby voice.

    "No, because you are scum. Now, get out of here. I'm going to tell Carrie," I say and watch him walk backwards towards the door.

    "Whatever," he shrugs. "Both you are ugly pigs anyway." He walks out with that and I just stare at the door. Ugly pig? Am I? I can't be. I mean, I know I'm not that desirable, but I can't be an ugly pig. I walk into the back and stare at the mirror. All I see are my eyes and my hair. The rest is just a blur. I sit on the floor and think. Soon, I'm crying.

    "Honey?" I hear. Courtney.

    "Courtney?" I ask in a choked voice. She's gotten over me calling her by her first name. But she's forgetting that I'm calling her that.

    "Oh, Jenny, what are you doing here?" she asks and sits on the floor next to me.

    "Crying and trying not to let my world crumble beneath my feet," I sniffle. She puts her arms around me and lets me cry. I haven't done this since I was little, like five little. It's comforting but it makes me feel like a child.

    "Jenny, tell me what's wrong," she says after I've stopped crying. I spill everything. Starting with the phone call to Justin. Why, oh why must this happen? To me, of all people.

    "Honey," she says when I'm finished, "tell Carrie what happened and tell Justin what happened. Alright?"

    "Okay," I sniffle and stand with my purse. I grab my keys and walk with her to my car. We exchange our byes and that we'll see each other at the house. I get in my car and drive over to Carrie's, but I stall. Carrie could try to kill me. But she could try to kill Ryan. That would be better.

    And then, what am I going to tell Justin? Ryan will get pummeled, somehow, and Justin is furious. Justin knows how much I love him, but he still think I kissed Ryan. He has it wrong. He kissed me and practically molested me. I just can't get it.

    Finally, I stop stalling and drive to Carrie's. I knock and am greeted by the preppy blonde.

    "Oh hey, what's up? I thought you had a date," she says with a smile. I can't return that smile. That's when she knows something's wrong. "Jen, what's wrong?"

    "I have some bad news. It involves Ryan," I frown. She pulls me inside and makes hot coco. I love hot coco. She knows I'll drink it any time of year. Still, I can't drink it. It's a painful memory of the shop and what Ryan said to me. Those painful two words.

    "Okay, something is seriously wrong. You never refuse hot coco when you're down," she says. I set the coco down and look at her sadly.

    "Carrie, Ryan kissed me," I say with a frown. She stares at me, disbelief, anger, shock, and sadness all poured into one expression.

    "Why?" she asks.

    "I'm not sure. But he called you a pawn and said he didn't care about you," I frown. She just stares. She frowns and stands.

    "I'm going to my room. You can let yourself out," she says with a frown. I watch her walk away and I walk outside. I get back in my car and start driving again. Carrie obviously does not want to talk to me.

    Carrie's finished with me and hopefully Ryan. Next is Justin. But what am I going to say? There's nothing I can say. I tried talking and it didn't work. I want to pull out my phone and text him, but I'll probably kill myself.

    "Justin hates me," I grumble. He will not talk to me ever again. I close my eyes and push back the tears. Tears are going to flow.

    Before I can open my eyes, which seems like a millisecond, I'm thrown into my seatbelt and I hear glass break and a scream from me.
    Sorry for the cliffhanger. That's all until probably Wednesday. And sorry it was so short. Kinda couldn't think.

    No quote this time.

    ~Shana Alana
  3. Agairnrhstevitituegancoutbee I HATE YOU! Jk love you! This is frustrating I wanna know what happens ahhhhjjjjj
  4. I'm in this xD bump shanabanana:D
  5. RYHAN!  I've missed you. ^.^

    I'm going to keep updating today, but I'm working on an update! I just can't stop writing! ^.^ I'm obsessed with this story and already have an idea for a sequel! It'll be in Marcy's POV and it'll be called Ice Cream Delights! Who likes my idea?

    Anywhos, I'll update soon!
  6. OOOOOO! Marcy is adorable 
  7. Another update! I'm on fire with this story! I just loves it!
    Chapter 13

    I feel something soft beneath me. All I see is white. Am I dead? I don't know how I would be. I can't remember what happened. I feel someone holding my hand. It has a familiar feel. But it's also slightly foreign. I listen and hear a familiar male voice whisper, "Please. Stay with me." Stay with me. The three words Katniss said to Peeta in Catching Fire. She was being pulled under what? I should know this!

    "Always," I feel myself murmur. Sleepy syrup; that was it, right? Or was it the alcohol? From Haymitch? No, I can't remember. The hand releases mine and I hear footsteps. I feel like I'm pulled under sleepy syrup myself.


    My head hurts. I feel like I've been banging my head against the wall. Again, someone is holding my hand. It's different, but I know that I know this hand. A hand I've held countless times. When I wanted to win that writing competition, and I finally got that e-mail, I held onto that hand. When my dad died, this hand gripped onto mine to get me to listen. Carrie.

    "Carrie," I mumble. I hear that familiar squeak. It's her. I hear someone else gasp too. That gasp is like the one I hear when we found out about Dad's death. Courtney.

    "Jenny June, can you hear me?" I hear. That name. Only one person in my entire existence has used that name for me. My first name and middle name, Jenny June. That one name from my new brother. Jason.

    "Jason? Carrie? Courtney?" I ask and open my eyes. Jason's face is practically on mine, his brows together in concern. His face flushes in relief and the fact his face is so close to mine. He pulls back, but only enough to have distance. He's holding one hand, gripping onto it like his life depends on it.

    "Go get the doctor," Courtney instructs.

    "Jason? What happened? Where am I?" I ask. His neon red hair has almost faded away, revealing his brown hair. That makes no since. Just an hour ago his neon red hair covered his hair up to his roots. "What happened to your hair?"

    "I can't answer that right now. Just, hold on," he says. I see that concerned frown on his face. I turn my head to see the woman that's my mother. She has a relieved look on her face. When I turn my head again, I see Luke walk in with a doctor. The man frowns and motions outside. Am I in a hospital? The nurse comes to my side and plays with some buttons and I am pulled back under.


    My eyes snap open and I want to sit up with a scream. I can't sit up, but I do scream. Justin just crushed me under his foot. But he wouldn't do that. We're in love.

    "Jenny June, are you okay?" I hear Jason ask. I turn my head and see my step brother.

    "Jason? What are you doing in my room?" I ask with a frown.

    "Jenny June, technically we aren't in your room. You're at the hospital," he says, causing me to sit up.

    "What are you talking about? There's no reason for me to be in the hospital," I say.

    "You don't remember do you?" he asks, causing me to knit my brows in thought.

    "Of course I do. We worked with Ryan and I asked you to take care of Marcy for me because Justin and I were going to have a night together, celebrating our love. We spit-shook and then I got dressed after I closed the shop. Then I...I," I lean back and try to remember what happened. I got dressed and then...what? "I can't remember."

    "You got in a car crash," he frowns.

    "Oh, no! Is Justin okay? Was he driving?" I ask. He shakes his head with a frown.

    "Justin wasn't with you," he says, still frowning. He wasn't? That means I must have been driving home after our date, right?

    "Then why isn't he here? Here, lemme call him," I smile. He sighs but hands me his phone. Mine must have died or crushed I the crash. I happily call Justin's number.

    "Hey, Jason. How's Jennifer?" he asks. That's odd. He's never called me Jennifer. Except the first time he spent the night at my house. Other than that, it's been Jelly, Jellybean, Jell-belly, or Jelly-J.

    "It's me, silly. Why aren't you here?" I ask. He goes silent on the other line. "Are you still there, Justie?" Again, silence. What's wrong? "Justin, is everything alright?"

    "Jennifer, don't call me again," he says coldly and hangs up. I stare at the phone, wondering what the hell that was about.

    "Jason, why did he call me Jennifer? And why was he being so cold? Was it something I said? Did I embarrass him in front of his family again?" I roll my eyes and hand him the phone. "He gets embarrassed way to easily when it comes to his family."

    "Maybe Courtney can explain it better than I can. After all, she heard your story before I did," he sighs. He stands and pats my head, slightly messing up my hair. He walks out of the room and I focus on my hair. It's orange. Not like neon orange, I mean the nature red-head orange. Strawberry blonde, whatever you want to call it. Why is my natural hair showing? Shouldn't it be neon yellow?

    "Hey, Jenny," I hear Courtney say. I turn and look at her, confused.

    "Courtney, why is my hair natural? Shouldn't it be neon?" I ask.

    "Honey, let me explain," she says and starts the story:

    I told her about Ryan kissing me and Justin being so upset, he broke up with me. I burst out crying when she tells me that again. How could I forget that? She continues with me going to Carrie's and that's when the preppy blonde walks in alone. Why is she alone? Shouldn't Ryan be with her?

    "Hey, Jen," she whispers and continues for my mother. She tells me that I came over and told her about Ryan kissing me and she just went up to her room. She tells me she just needed time to think and she called Ryan over. Again, my mother takes over.

    Courtney tells me that I wasn't paying attention and I collided with someone. The memory was repressed from my brain and I still don't understand. I couldn't have let that happen. Courtney brings a doctor in and she explains.

    "Jennifer, your brain has repressed the memory and your hit with the young man, in simple terms, gave you sight amnesia over the two hours that caused upset in your life. Therefore, you will have no memory of what happened," she says. I frown. So, this is true. My life is over. And my precious car is totaled.

    "What happened to Ryan? And who did I hit?" I ask. Carrie and Courtney exchange looks.

    "You hit Ryan. He's dead," Courtney says. I gasp and cover my mouth. From what I heard, Ryan deserves a car crash, but doesn't deserve to die! Karma, you truly are a bitch.

    "Where's Marcy? And Marcus?" I ask.

    "They're with Uncle Troy and Aunt Julie. Once you get home, we'll bring them home," Courtney says.

    "Can, can I get some alone time with Jason? I have a question or two to ask him," I say. She nods and Jason sits by my side. They leave the room and I look at my step brother.

    "Jenny, are you going to be okay?" he asks. I shake my head but I ask him the one big question on my mind.

    "You've read The Hunger Games trilogy right?" He nods, not understanding where I'm going with this. "In Catching Fire, when Katniss said, 'Stay with me,' to Peeta, was she pulled into sleep by sleepy syrup or by the alcohol she got from Haymitch?" He breaks into a smile.

    "Of course you of all people would ask that. I'm not as obsessed as you, but why are you asking if you should already know?"

    "I can't remember. I do remember someone saying, 'Please. Stay with me,' while I was asleep. I told them 'Always.' But I couldn't remember. It's not my favorite book, but still, what was it?" I grin.

    "Well, if I remember correctly, she broke into a house in Victor's Village through a window, slicing up her hands. Her mother gave her some sleepy syrup and wrapped her hands. Peeta carried her up into her room and she said those three words as she was pulled under by sleepy syrup," he says. I laugh at his perfect knowledge of the book. Sleepy syrup.

    "How long have I been here?" I finally ask. He shrugs and counts on his fingers.

    "A little over a month," he says and I nod. He leaves the room and I sit by myself, wishing I was Katniss Everdeen. At least I could pick Peeta and marry him like I want to.
    And that shows what happened. Who was the one first holding her hand, telling her to stay with him? Poor Ryan. Sorry, Rhyan. It's been planned since before I introduced him.

    Again, no quote. So sorry.


    ~Shana Alana
  8. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YUS UPDATE!!! But still Justin why you being such a pig!
  9. Arwwwwwwww same shanabanana, my emoji don't work
    This is amazing shanabanana, bump ;)
    Thanks for putting me in it xD ;)
  10. I can't get over how Justin assumed Jennifer kissed Ryan asdfhgkklj and Ryan got what he deserved c:<
  11. Don't hate Justin! He'll come to his senses...probably. It's quite likely.
    Chapter 14

    We head home and my room seems normal. But it's so empty. Justin normally is on my bed, flipping through the channels. He'd turn to see me and break into a smile. I'd walk over to him and fall onto the bed next to him, watching him channel surf. He'd find something to watch and he'd put his arm around me. I'd curl into him and smile. All I would do is think about how perfect my life was. And then Ryan killed it.

    I fall onto the bed and I feel the empty space next to me. I grab the remote and I wish I knew he would forgive me. I'm done. If he hates me, fine. I'll be forever alone, just like the meme.

    "Jen, are you okay?" I hear Carrie ask. I shake my head and I curl into a ball. There's nothing left for me. Well, Marcy, of course, and maybe Jason. The wedding and watching Marcus and Marcy grow up. That's it though. Nothing else can make me happy.

    "Jen, I can talk to him," she offers. I shake my head and pull out of the ball. I'll live until I feel life has lost its meaning. Then, well, I'll see what goes on from there.

    "Jen, are you going to head back out there? Or are you going to sit here in another mental depression?" I hold up two fingers, showing her I'm going into a mental depression. I wonder if Justin would miss me if I left the town. The state? The country? The world?

    "Justin sat right here," I say, as if in a trance, "the day Courtney told us she was getting married. I was using him as my dressing critique. And he started texting you for advice." I stand and throw the closet doors open. I look into my closet and see that skull shirt and the black skirt. I see the black jacket and I look down onto the floor. Justin picked out the black shoes for when we went out to dinner for our three month anniversary.

    "Justin told me he wanted me to have his children," I sniffle. "It was the night Auntie had Josh. I was worried he would get in trouble for being in my bed. And he told me that if I had his children, it would be more than a few hours at the hospital."

    "Jenny, you can't live in the past. Justin still doesn't get it. I've tried explaining it to him and trying to get him to take you back. I was so close once. But, I can't. I'm so sorry. But I will keep trying." She comes over to hug me but I frown and glare at her. She gets the message and stops. She lowers her arms and frowns.

    "I'll leave you alone," she whispers and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. I grab my laptop and sit on my bed. I go through photos and frown. The goofy pictures with him, the pecks on the cheek, the laughing, everything is over.

    I turn the television on and let a SpongeBob episode play, but I'm not paying attention. I'm sulking. Justin Gateley, nineteen year old boy I met because of my mother. It's all her fault. If she hadn't opened the stupid chocolate shop, I would have never fallen in love. I fell hard. And it's her fault.

    Or, is it Carrie's fault for falling in love with Ryan? If she hadn't been so keen on us hiring him, this would have never happened. She was so excited to see him every time she could and acted like a fool until I helped. Why did I have to help? It wasn't my problem. Then again, she wouldn't shut up about Ryan and her feelings.

    Is it Ryan's fault? He received the wrong messages. I just wanted to be friends, if anything. But he had to be the one to kiss me. I could have thrown him off before his lips got onto mine. I've wrestled with Justin countless times. But Ryan just had to push his body onto mine.

    And then there's Justin. Is it his fault? If he hadn't said one word to me, this wouldn't have happened. He could have ignored me like everyone else, I would be fine. Instead I crashed into Ryan, killing him, and lost the love of my life. And love doesn't come around more than once. Sure, like like happens countless times, but love? Only once.

    Is it my fault? If I hadn't agreed to working at the shop, would I still have met Justin? Would I have fell in love with him? Would Courtney be engaged? Would I have a case of heartbreak? Would I still want to die?

    It all comes back to find out whose fault is it that I'm dead inside. I think it's mine. I am a horrible person and a complete idiot. And the words 'ugly pig' crawl into my brain. Am I ugly? Am I a pig? Is this my fault?

    I hear a knock on the door and I tell whoever it is to come in. It isn't who I expected. Auntie.

    "Sugar, are you okay? Heartbreak is terrible, but you have to get over it. He wasn't the one," she says and closes the door. She sits next to me and I frown.

    "He was. I know it. When I saw him, my head would be in jumbles. My stomach would be full of butterflies. My heart would race. When we'd kiss, I'd feel my stomach fumble and whirl. My skin prickled when he touched me. My hand fit perfectly with his. Our names would be great together. We were so in love. And then, I fell so hard. My life is over."

    "What would you feel when he was out of your sight?" she asks.

    "My heart would ache. I would will time to pass quicker so I could see him in person."

    "What do you think of him even after he broke your heart?"

    "I still think he has gorgeous black hair. It looks so enchanting with water droplets sprinkled in. His eyes were the perfect grey, not too dark, near black, and not too light, near silver. He was the perfect height, not too tall but not shorter than me. His smile made me feel special. His hold made me melt. His voice, his perfect, smooth voice, it made me want to believe everything he said. The way he played with my hair made me smile. He was perfect. No matter what, I love him with all my heart, but he will never see me the same again." I sniffle and want to cry. But I can't. Only for myself, not for anyone to see.

    "He's a lucky boy for you to be in love with him. You're his 'one' and it's obvious. He's just too blind to see it now. Wait and try to talk to him later," she grins. I nod but don't want to talk to him again. He told me not to call him again, so I won't. I love him enough to obey his every command, even if we aren't together.

    "Auntie, I wish he'd forgive me," I frown. She pats my hand and stands.

    "You think about calling him," she says and walks out. I frown as she shuts the door. I can't call him. He told me not to. I can't do it even if he hadn't told me not to. I close my eyes and grab a novel from my bookshelf. I haven't read a good book in so long. But they're all love stories. I need some horror stories or stories without a happy ending. I don't ever want anything happy again.

    I look over at my alarm clock and pull the plug out. No more work for me. I can't bear to see Justin again. I can't remember that hole that should be filled by Ryan. No more memories. All I want is unhappiness. It's all I need.


    "Jenny! Wake up! You have work," I hear. Courtney.

    "I'm not going to work. I quit," I grumble into something soft. Justin?! Wait, no. My pillow. It's all I have left.

    "Jennifer, get your butt out here," she says angrily. I hear a discussion happen outside and the door open.

    "Get out! I don't want a day of misery or memories," I grumble. I feel a hand on my head and I grin into my pillow. The hand pushes my crazed hair down and it repeats the motion again and again. Whoever this is, I want to hug them. And that's saying something.

    "Jenny June," I hear. I swear that there's a cat in the room. I hear purring. "Jenny, you're purring." Oh, it's me! I was wondering when we would have ever gotten a cat.

    "What?" I whine into the pillow. Okay, Jason and this pillow, top best friends and all I have left. No one and nothing else.

    "You need to get up. You and I have work," he tells me.

    "I quit," I say. He sighs and picks up my face, making me look at him.

    "You quit? That's not the Jenny I know," he says. He sits on my bed and pulls me into a sitting position. "I know you loved him from very depths of your heart. But, Jenny, you can't let that fact stop you from doing what you love. And being where you love. You love me and you love chocolates. That's the place to be."

    "But it's next door to Justin. And I can't bear to see him," I frown.

    "Jenny, why are you going to let one heart break ruin everything?" he says and cups my face in his hands.

    "He was the love of my life," I whisper. He frowns and stares at me in thought.

    "Would you hate me if I made you feel better?" he asks. I frown and shake my head. He bites his lip and finally, he does what he wanted. But I so did not expect this.
    What did Jason do?! Tell me what you think. And why would he do it? Tell me that too!

    "Make yourself necessary to somebody." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Fits with what Jason was trying to tell Jenny.

    Love ya, lovies!

    ~Shana Alana

    P.S. Don't leave me hanging on those questions! I mean it when I want you to tell me what you think is going to happen.
  12. OMGGGGGG 
  13. What'd you know? And what are you thinking?!
  14. I'm thinking that Jason kissed her but I kinda think that maybe Shana is tricking us as she has before. I'm stumped you are clever Shana.

    P.S. I've been lurking on and stalking this thread since Update One .
  15. Maybe whatever I think Jason did he does the opposite. Clearly Jason stabs Jenny and realises shes bleeding chocolate -because that s*** runs through her veins- and drinks her dry.
  16. Screams because I love this