Couples War Sign Up

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Vienna-, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Ashy I wanted to go with my friend Liz but couldnt since its pretty much a bos lol

    Sign me and Monk up, im 320kc hes 340
  2. So what if the couples is the same gender .. One to one club the other to the other. The only difference between this one and the BO'S is this war u can only hit the person u invited no one else 
  3. N-CR3D1BL3_RIPPED_PT_JACKAL and i will take part woo hooo cant wait to squish him lol
  4. Okie I'm putting everyone down
  5. As for the same gender question, that fine too just pick who joins which sidewe already have some same gender couples and friends joining
  6. Justin I wasn't gonna say anything but Trissy called you out
  7. ? Bumping the thread for nick cause he's blind.
  8. Do y'all want to sign up?
  9. Hmm... This seems like a great idea for a war besides that I can't come bc of the setup 
  10. Did you want to go with  on your main?
  11. :( no person to go with so I cannae go :(
  12. I think I can find you someone
  13. Me and KingCal are up for it
  14. When you subtract a bit we end up perfectly around the same stats
  15.  FUCK!! I have no one to go with.
  16. I was happy until I read the bring a date part ._.
  17. Well it's says "Couples" in the it would be obvious that you need a date ._.